Armchair politics

Wendy, the corner shop girl, uses the food bank and on Thursdays can’t feed the cat or herself. She pays tax, so does the queen. Wendy pays her fair share the Queen seemingly less so.

Is this OK?


No hate here, just pointing out the obvious. Also queenie has people to fabricate disassociation for her, your support is superfluous.

Really, what tax is she paying?

76% taper on her Universal Credit for a start. Very fair that.

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Not certain on the figures but I’d hazard a ‘too fucking much if no other fucker is bothering pounds’ and ‘Is this fair pence’.


In other words, your solution is tax them until the pips squeak. Them being anyone the court of public opinion sees fit.

No. The principal is pay your tax. If the aim of the scheme is to avoid tax, then it is illegal. Most of the schemes in the Paradise Papers are variants on the wheeze used by Jimmy Carr. HMRC will get the money eventually. The industrial avoidance of tax is simply wrong and leads to ridiculous outcome like Apple having billions that it cannot repatriate to the USA as it will have to pay tax, or Amazon allegedly using IP law to avoid their paying tax in the UK while putting all their competition out of business by being cheaper than the poor fuckers who do pay their taxes. But hey ho, what would I know?


No it isn’t

I believe life works better for humans in balance. What do you think?

This sounds like something on the Hart Audio website. What do you think?

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I’m not getting into avoidance/evasion arguments. If you generate your revenue in the UK, you should pay your tax in the UK. If the tax code is in need of an update then it should be updated. All these schemes are subject to legal test. We’re talking of huge amounts of wealth being questionably transferred which impacts upon us all.

I’m being a dick, obviously. But I do despair at the class warfare and one-eyed approach to the rich, especially when it flies in the face of all the figures around how much revenue is actually generated by raising tax against a tiny tiny number of individuals (those you are referring to).

It’s just reactionary twaddle that plays well to the gallery, but wouldn’t have the meaningful effects that people want.

The tax affairs of corporations are somewhat different, but they only operate in the framework of what they are given. If there are legal ways to avoid tax, then people will do it.

Heart Audio is about as balanced as 1% of people owning 24% of UK’s wealth

All royals should be shot is my take on it.

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That is the point. These things are now all illegal and subject to potential taxation until they are shown to be legal. HMRC can provisionally tax you until the courts tell them that your wheeze is kosher. There is a lot of pain coming.

Then it fucking well should be.

It’s the cunts who work for HMRC then jump over the fence to the private consultancies with all the loopholes they know are in the rules, HMRC need to invest in some very good tax lawyers and close down the loopholes.

Tax isn’t unfair and it’s nothing like the stupid rates of the 60/70’s

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I too say random things for applause.

There is nothing I like to see more than one of the masses tugging their forelock to our betters. Makes I proud.

I’m looking forward to David Davis attempting to explain this. It has the potential to be a catastrophe as he could be held in contempt of Parliament if the Speaker does not accept the explanation.