Armchair politics

Well at least we’ll have another one at the cabinet table arguing for a straight £350M weekly uplift on the NHS budget.

Won’t we.


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I suppose that´s because May gets better informed by the Daily Mail than by her members of cabinet?

Don’t be silly. You can’t give the NHS 1p more let alone £350million per week as Johnny Turk will pinch it all (despite not being in the EU). It would probably be much better if they simply gave (an extra) £350 million to the rich every week. No danger of that being nicked by the proles as it will be off to the IoM for VAT free private jets all around.

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The list of destinations the FCO are happy to declare as safe following Mr Johnson’s “interventions” are listed on their website.

They include; Gotham City, Mordor, the fabled underwater Kingdom of Atlantis & Leeds.


Excellent, lets not sort the health service, let’s spend all our effort on lining up someone to blame. (Spoiler: it’s not Hunt the cunt).

Seems Simon Stevens speech last week calling for the Brexit money has hastened his inevitable demise.

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The meeting where he was told was back in September, I suspect that meeting led him to say what he thinks in his speech last week rather than the other way round.

If he knows his cards are marked he will either say fuck it and go all out guns blazing or just disappear quietly to the private sector.

I hope he says fuck it and calls the govt out for the bunch of cunts they are.

Ah yes true. He’s a complete bully boy anyway so no loss.

This cunt and his mouth…

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These two Tory boys are cunts, that’s a given. Iran is run by cunts that make these two look like Snow fucking White, lest we forget.


Perhaps, but I don’t recall Snow White being fitted up for the Wicked Witch by her MP who couldn’t be bothered to read his briefings and had only a fleeting regard for the truth.

Even in comparison to Boris, Gove is an utter cunt though, and there is no point trying to gloss over that. Hilariously, his defence of BoJo was so shit that it may have helped to finish off Boris and done himself no little damage.

The perfect way of detecting a swivel eyed loon is to ask their opinion of Gove. If you receive any response other than a foaming rant and the descent of the red mist then your civic duty is to finish them off and recycle the organs for those who are not already brain dead.



As I said Gove and BoJo are cunts, hardly glossing over it. May has to employ them as she has no choice due to her fucking abysmal election result combined with Brexit. Iran are cunts for taking someone as a political hostage and then using that to leverage out diplomatic advantage with the UK. Additional cuntery for a religious Court passing a jail sentance.

Unfortunately, BoJo, being a twat, walked right into it. May is in an impossible position, sack BoJo and the Iranians take the scalp of the Foreign Secretary.

My guess is we will end up with a back door deal with Iran around sanctions.


Time for this government to be shown the exit door. Little by little they have dismantled any social fabric this country had, the countries essential services, industry and have employed absolute buffoons in key roles who lie and rationalise their inadequacies to the n’th degree. If May can call a general election at the drop of her draws then I can’t see any reason why the nation can’t call one at the drop of governmental standards, social conscience, cronyism, financial favouritism and smoke and mirrors policies.
The cabinet have lost control, who in their right mind would employ any of these egocentric, self fulfilling career con artists.
Time to say goodbye to Theresa and her inadequate toe rags. Come the revolution, heads on spikes.

Feel a little bit better now, PM question time doesn’t half wind me up.


:tired_face:Hmmm May camel toe




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The 1963 was a cracking vintage.

Les nouveaux arrivent demain.


But there’s no credible alternative. Labour are an absolute farce, and as divided over Brexit as the Tories. And thanks to Clegg’s weakness the lib dems are not seen as serious by enough of the electorate, uncle vince is not dynamic enough to pull the votes.

The Corbyn ceiling means labour would be unlikely to win enough seats for a majority, especially after he back-tracked over the CU and SM.

One possible positive outcome would be a lab lib coalition. Libs would only do that on basis of ref2, not sure arch Brexitard Corbyn would agree to it though. Labour desperately need a new leader, but as ever, they can’t see it. Liberal Democrats need one too by the way.