Armchair politics

The National Debt Interest part has zoomed up under the Tories, supposedly the party of restraint and good money management (barf). :rofl:

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Nice enough, but halving defence isn’t going to make much difference to benefits (=welfare + pensions) or health and education. Pretty much everything else is down in the noise e.g. the noise of interest rate changes on the debt payments.


There is no full council tax rebate any more, everybody pays something. The £70 a week is conditional and not always fully paid.

Unfortunately IMO tax and benefits are not really the primary issue in this country - it’s education and training.

My nephew had a difficult childhood, ending up with not much in the way of qualifications. He was going to join the forces, but there was a temporary medical issue. Then he started training for a trade, but got shafted by his employer. He started training in accountancy, but it didn’t suit him.

Now, at 27, he’s basically been abandoned. He can’t get on training courses, and there is really no route to self improvement. To be fair he hasn’t done himself any favours with many of his choices, but I find it terribly sad that so many people only get chances while they are young and stupid; once they are a bit older it’s all over for them.

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Since the Chancellor of the Exchequer can’t possibly have a clue what’s going to happen with Brexit negotations, which itself might have the teeniest impact on the UK economy, I hope he’s going to do the decent thing and roll 3 d12 during his speech in order to formulate his policies on the go.

If you roll between 9 and 17, turn to page 376.


Or he knows it is going down the toilet, so he is going to go out in a blaze of Dadaist glory promising massive funding increases for swan sport and pipework appreciation.

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My television is quite remarkable, it has odour vision.
Philip Hammond is addressing the house and before he has announced any details of his budget, I can smell farmyard. Isn’t that amazing. Odour Vision is the way forward, in winter not an advantage as the windows have to be opened, but the smell of bullshit is quite realistic.

the fuckers spreading slurry now, I’ll have to go out for fresh air, it’s becoming unbearable.


Responding to the budget speech has got to be the hardest gig in politics.

My, admittedly few, recent memories of the responses have been that they’ve just concentrated on past failings and sniped that the chancellor “has done nothing about xxx” when that’s the case. If you’re lucky the governing party will make enough noise that the speaker has to keep stepping in and asking them to shut up, thereby giving you time to think on your feet.


In fairness he’s doing quite well.

Just reading 2.8 bill on NHS over 3 years. Brexit No deal preparation amount,3 bill


Notice that £350m of that NHS funding is to be spent over the next three months. It’s almost as if they chose that number on purpose…



This. Bet no fucker is brave enough to bang on about it.

Cameron/Osbourne announced 200,000 new houses in 2011/12 and to date none (NOT.A.SINGLE.FUCKING.HOUSE) have been delivered.

Wiping out stamp duty for first time buyers will simply inflate prices as those folks with the deposit and funds can bid more. So, expect no more houses for ages but higher prices for those who can afford to buy.


Quite. More fucking policies to encourage house price inflation. Twats.


Various support for first time buyers was introduced in Australia about a decade and a half ago. Some of the wealthier ‘friends’ we had equipped their teenage kids with a deposit and mortgage and purchased multiple houses in a very short time. Their kids then ‘lived’ in the houses for legal purposes while renting them out. It took years to sort out and didn’t help many real FTBs.

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High quality, high density homes? That is a non-intersecting venn diagram.

Who votes for the fucking Tories? We’re all fairly affluent, we’ve spent thousands on bloody stupid HiFi system FFS, but still we think they’re an incompetent shower of offensive twats. Who is voting them in?


Not me.

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The greedy, the stupid and the old.