Armchair politics

Rudyard Kipling? Harry Ramsden? Reginald Bosanquet, The conservative party and their voters? Just probing the ‘everyone’ contention. Perhaps the highly skilled workforce could be re deployed, you know to do something a little less deathy? Maybe the £40 Billion (Trident bill) could you know do something that may be beneficial to the human race? Just a thought.

If we gave all of the net savings to the NHS then it would be a significant amount of money, but still not ‘night vs day’ (see AGrail’s pie chart 11 hours ago). If we were to start spreading it more widely over government expenditure then it would quickly become ‘with vs without Shakti stones’.


Build houses?

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I only lay bricks in a shitter!

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Didn’t stop them fucking over the miners


They haven’t trained anyone to build a house in the last 20 years, that’s why they joined the eu to let the poles in, I doubt there’s anyone left to give any training

And unlike the miners, most of the people working on trident haven’t had the cheek to ask for more money or go on strike

You are kidding me, right?


Strange that, there are 5 apprentices on the job I am on :thinking:

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Perhaps we should make ‘the Poles’ build a wall?


There aren’t enough funny emoticons for this




I wonder who, if anyone, is advising Theresa May on her PR? Her decision to short change MCR for the costs after the GMex incident is very short-sighted from a PR point of view. More to the point, the odium only paying £13m of the £17m emergency services costs relating to the aftermath of the bombing is well deserved. I hope that they get pilloried for this. It is unforgivable to renege on such an undertaking.

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There’s an interview with him in the Guardian - a good read:

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I expect the full amount will be paid once the bad publicity kicks in.

More total, but expected, cuntery from our overlords

And you were right. After a ton of bad press, Theresa has paid up.

They’re all cunts