Armchair politics

I didn’t think those pesky Russians would stoop so low, how will we retaliate ?!

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T(u)sk, T(u)sk!

Fucksake. Williamson has just called Putin a “poo-faced spazz”.

(not mine sadly, but made me smile)

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At least there appears to be some international consensus now.
May doesn’t look quite so isolated.

It’s good to have backers. I still think that the deadline and initial response was too soon - that would have been better after our allies had come out.

Would have been better to follow the OPCW procedure and to involve independent
& impartial adjudication. They are serious allegations to be flinging around.

What has become clear is that a substantial amount of dirty money is being laundered with impunity through London. How some of that is going into property investments and how much is finding it’s way into Conservative party coffers. Also the revelation that we’re supplying Russia with nearly £200M worth of arms and we’re still supplying them nuclear materials.

Money Oh and ------money .Yeah and - by the way -----money! Please no more ‘we’.— Separate business —from politicians/ government. The term ’ we ’ is used thro the media. There is no ’ we’ . There is Big Business and then separately— the miasma of our elected governors pretending to be altruistic . ’ ‘Politics is the art of the possible’. - except in Russia (and others) where Crime is business and business is government politics … Corbyn May and Putin are all puppets. We - the voters - have a thin string over a part but we - the voters- work for capitalist business. It’s a wonderful world!! PS a clean kill in Salisbury would have been easy . A deliberate clear threat then . oh and - by the way - an election ’ campaign’ in Russia.

When addressing the commons, choose your wording carefully… ‘Of a type developed by Russia’


Cannot believe you have posted that shit. Was taken apart and completely refuted yesterday.

For example, read this thread

Yes I was aware of that and how Murray dealt with it yesterday.

Good to see the BBC offering a balanced backdrop to their Newsnight discussion while cutting to footage of Theresa fistpumping the crowds in Salisbury.

Straying into David Icke territory here.

Will you indulge me one ftfy here in the context?


Clyde Davies running out of steam yesterday.


Oh dear. I expect you believed all the nonsense pre Gulf War 2 aswell. Colin Powell’s lies and Alastair Campbell’s famous dossier. What a load of bollocks those turned out to be. I seem to recall the foil hat insults being levelled at doubters back then too.

This incident may well have been the work of the Russian state or people who’d somehow obtained this material from the Russian state. It may also have been the work of other parties with different motives. There are procedures that can & should be followed to establish certain facts such as what the material was & possibly where it was made. But there hasn’t been time yet for definitive & impartial conclusions to be drawn. Despite this conclusions are being drawn. They may prove to be incorrect.

In the meantime it’ll be interesting to see just how much support the UK can muster from its allies in terms of meaningful deeds. Will other countries be expelling Russian diplomats, boycotting the World Cup or jeopardising their gas supplies? Or will they look at the UK and its somewhat lax approach to the laundering of Russian money and its sales of arms to Russia & wonder why they should pay the price for the UK’s questionable activities.


Amazing how shirty you’ve become in the last couple of days, presumably because Jeremy dropped a massive bollock and is struggling to row back.

Don’t let the lizard people get you with their mind control rays.


This would be a good idea if it didn’t open the door for Corbyn. IT’s like the Trump / Pence dilemma.

I can’t see the harm in being cautious on an issue like this. As with the run up to the Iraq War, it’s always a good idea to garner international consensus by being seen to approach these issues in an open & transparent way. Gather the facts. follow the agreed protocol & when that happens you tend to get real support and may avoid making catastrophic errors of judgement.

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I don’t find the comparison with the WMD dossier particularly helpful. In this case we know a former Russian spy and his daughter have been murdered, we know with a high degree of certainty it’s with Russian nerve agents and we know that such agents are almost impossible to make, store and handle in a shed which rules out lone wolf types.

So unless you’re going full on conspiracy theory mode, then I’m confident and comfortable with the information that’s in the public domain.

A former Kremlin adviser view from last nights this week.
From about 1min 30sec