Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

Funny, that wasn’t mentioned in the Fail today :roll_eyes:

Making England not great again.


Just got back from this (we went for the talking and the drinking but didn’t stay for the dining). It’s always interesting to watch professionals at work and especially to watch them take one another on. Some of the facts which came out were, um, illuminating. But the event was conducted under Chatham House Rules (important, given that the ex-editor of a national newspaper was also present) so although I could, in principle, pass them on it would, in practice, be very easy to infer who revealed them, and that’s what the rules forbid. Suffice it to say the legal position seems to have been rather finely balanced and it’s not at all clear whether this intervention by the judiciary in the delicate balance between the legislature and the executive will, in the longer term, turn out to be a good or a bad thing.

What’s very clear is that if I’d had to pay for an hour or two of these three people’s time then I’d be a good deal poorer now than I already am.


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Looks like things might get kind of interesting in the Conservative and Unionist Party. The Telegraph are clearly gearing up for something.

Following BoJo’s mind fart this morning, we now get this hideous image from JRM

Meanwhile The Guardian miss the point almost entirely:


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What a pair of cunts.

Managed decline: the two dire words that have underpinned too much of government policy since the Second World War. With the glorious exception of Margaret Thatcher,the machinery of the state seemed to accept that the nation would never be as successful in the future as it had been in the past. This downbeat view of the world underpinned our membership of the European Union.

From Mogg’s article. The twat is still holding on to the notion that the UK is somehow special and better than other countries.

The Poundland Donald Trump.


Guardian link alert

For pity sake can we have some fucking adults to come and take over!!!

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Her speech in Florence in 4 days must be changing daily.


Would love to know how much Brexit has cost so far.


I’m surprised that doesn’t have more signatures given it was started in March!

BobC’s been talking people out of it.


We would be absolutely mullered if we tried to go back in after the negotiations had concluded, it would be a monumentally shit deal for the UK. In the German and French elections the whole Brexit deal was just a minor event, the EU debate within the rest of Europe has already moved on and we are but a blip in their timeline. The time to end this is now, but no political party is taking the lead and the popular support ain’t quite so popular.

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the new Department cost 65 mil last year, with a continuing budget of about a 100 mil/year going forward. Double that as an estimate across Government.

These costs will be insignificant compared to the costs businesses will face, the drop in the pound being a case in point.

On top of that there will be the divorce bill to pay, billions to fork out.