Cartridge set up and kit

Considering one of these…

Expensive but set absolutely for my fixed length arm. Downside is they didn’t work for anything else!

Anyone seen one in action?

No, but if you wade through his page’s Museum-grade “Web 1.0” HTML there are fucking loads of links to user reviews and discussions.

Most of which are positive. Hence my interest.

Always good to have an opinion from someone you can speak to, hence my post.

Why not just freely download Conrad Hoffman’s arc generator and print it

Vinyl Engine has free cartridge set up templates

I’m always swapping arms and cartridges and they’re all I ever use


That’s the starting point. Although I’m not a fan of paper and punching holes. Especially as I don’t have a printer that works!

These solid ones seem to be extremely accurate and allow really clear azimuth setting. I’m a complete clap handed oaf so tend to be drawn towards the more solid options!

The printed versions are just as accurate when printed 1:1, just not as durable.

Anyway, it was just a suggestion. Your money, your choice.


LOL, needs a random sprinkling of comic sans and the illusion is complete.

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I’ve printed a few from that site Paul put up on good quality photo card,then use a hole punch for the spindle.
They have been spot on.


If you look after them and print them on photo paper they last for ages. When/if they get tatty just print another.

Interestingly, he doesn’t seem to mention which geometry his templates employ (unless he’s invented his own)

Mind you, he claims ‘no end of side distortion’ so presumably it’s Stevenson? Of course. that’s at the expense of increased distortion at other points on the record.

Btw, ‘no end of side distortion’ is bollox anyway. Many records finish at different physical points on the disc, so it can’t be true in every case.

I’ve found my Dr Fuckit to be easy to use and very accurate and it can be used with any arm, cart or turntable.

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Parallel tracking master race.



Just wish I could afford an Airtangent

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The Sony is a doddle to set up, 51mm from cart tip to headshell shoulder, and square in the shell. Job done , stop worrying…

  • if you must buy something, there’s a plastic widget set up jig. I’m looking for a link, will share when I find the thing.

** The manual is on Vinyl engine, details there.

The widget is like this

There is a specific Sony one, but you get the idea.

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That sort of thing looks like it will do a much better job of measuring 51mm than my ruler at a dodgy angle. Solves the problem. Never knew they existed!

Did you mean to type there ISN’T a Sony one!

Does Her Maj The Queen pop round and carry out your measurements at a jaunty angle then?

Or did you mean ‘rule’

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I think this was original fit, no adjustment works well enough for Naim Aro

:+1: Kwality work there Paul :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve got a couple of those. The shell moves at the back to suit the specific cart.
I was finding it impossible to measure the 51 mm easily and was looking for an accurate way to do it.

The gauge gives me a better idea and then I’ll check with a paper one. Or maybe a Dr F if I’m lucky. :+1:

Will loan to Wayne when done