Diet and Fitness

I think we’re saying the same thing but about slightly different aspects of recovery - I read your comment to be about recovering from a single bout or series of bouts of exercise, whereas mine was about the cumulative effects and needing to think in terms of progress cycles and hence the CNS comes into play.

If you feel fitter already then I can only pass on the wisdom of my gymnastics coach who if I turned up particularly full of beans and raring to go the day after what he thought was a heavy session, would simply say that I hadn’t trained hard enough and would then up the intensity of todays training just to prove his point!

Interesting but wrong! 10k steps isn’t a fitness goal it’s an activity objective. Take two identical people who consume 3k calories per day and one does 10k steps more or less consistently and the other 2k per day, it’s not hard to imagine which one has the healthier joints, muscles and has lower body fat.

I think he’s got the risks all wrong too. The risks of an inactive population are much higher than an active one. I’m a firm believer in prevention over treatment, and people being encouraged and enabled to maintain and look after themselves, and although things like 10k steps, campaigns around reducing sugar and salt, 5 a day etc aren’t perfect by any means, they’re all steps in the right direction at a population level and take time to spread and normalise.

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I agree, if you’re not going to do any exercise that raises your heart rate into the “fitness” range, it’s still better to be active to some degree rather than completely sedentary.

I guess his concern is that people feel that they’re doing enough so don’t bother with the extra effort to work out.

Honestly though, how many people start fitness regimes and drop back to doing nothing within a month or so.

It’s complete bollocks - I do 8k - 10k steps a day and I’m still a fat fuck…

That’s only one side of the equation Jimbo, you need to factor in your total calorie intake including everything like alcohol etc. If you did a diary even just for a few days you’d be genuinely shocked at how much this could be versus what you think it is.

Anyway I’ve seen your posts on the pork therapy and booze thread so case closed :laughing::nerd_face:

I know mate - my job is far from sedentary- I just love the wrong food too feckin much :+1:

Given your hobbitlike status, that is still only 150 metres.

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Whereas you are more troll-like…:wink:

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Ha, cave-troll.

Instant miso soup! I’d forgotten about this! Quick and only 30/40 calories but the umami does the trick

Starting to get noticeably leaner :thumbsup:

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Question…so I can do 3x8 push ups but it’s not like I can do them effortlessly and the last couple on last set are pretty hard. @crimsondonkey you said I should nail 3x8 before progressing to the 9’s…will I still progress if I keep repeating 3x8?

Well the last couple of reps are meant to be hard. If your form suffers and you’re having to cheat a bit to complete them, then I would continue at 3x8.

You’ll still make progress - adaptation improves with practice. Remember it’s not a sprint to build up strength so take your time, no shortcuts.

I don’t feel like I’m cheating. Might rest tomorrow and try 9,8,8 on Saturday

Tabasco sauce. Three or four drops licked off the back of your hand (make sure you wash the hand first if you’ve been working with nuclear waste or touching the handles of supermarket trolleys, public transport vehicles etc). It can distract the alimentary canal for quite a while.


Ha, really? Does it work even better with hotter sauces?

Dunno. I’ve only ever tried it with Tabasco.


Maybe bong ripping a carolina reaper?


I am hungry and weak willed this evening

Try and eat something protein packed then.