
A couple of pics from a recent excursion , unfortunately he’s at that age where he’s got the social graces of Attila the Hun, nearing the time when he will be hypoallergenic methinks - nut free.


Hildur stretching her legs on our walk, this afternoon

Maddie remaining a little more composed


What’s with the comb over? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

She’s a Bobby Charlton fan…

They both need a haircut, badly.


So why has @Mrs_Maureen_OPinion not put stuff here? Priorities please…


Yeh, been a bit lazy - here’s a pic of Max and I on holiday in Northumbria back in September…

He’s a much improved dog 15 months on - calmer, more trustworthy, a lot happier and more confident, and even a little less reactive towards other dogs - not bad for a hound who’d suffered such a huge amount of abuse at the hands of his former pikey owners.

Maddie’s cracking-on towards 11 now…

Just as gormless as ever, and has no real idea that she’s getting older - but certainly has reached that stubborn-as-fuck-do-what-she-likes phase! Bless her, she’s a sweetie, but wilfull as the day is long. Still walk all day long too!


I thought someone had died for a moment, you appear to be flying your trousers at half mast in that picture. Get some proper shorts you giant fanny…




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The game of Dog up n’ Wall was invented in 1974 by Norfolk inbred Arthur Chromosome.

It involves balancing a dog on a wall.

Players expose their milky hairless lower legs to be whipped with stinging nettles. Traditionally this is done by local children who sing the rhyme:

Your dog is on my wall, Your dog is on my wall, But you are going to fall. Cunt!

Amateurs are easy to spot because they always use thin dogs.


That’s today’s ear worm sorted :ok_hand:

You need to master haughty disdain if you’re going to carry off trousers like those:

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Fah! I loftily disdain ground-hogging trouserage - it has become the sole remit of the weak-eyed, shirt-hoisting pederast and the sickly, wheening, milk-fed panywaist.

Your envy feeds my certainty, and I return it in the form of pity for your unmanly ways.

Pic related: MFW Ground Trousers are worn.


Busy morning at the park…


for some of us it is a necessity to hide a particular that shorter leggings would reveal. We wouldn’t want to make the ladies blush now…

Embarrassing calf tattoos?


No, a certain appendage, but if you have some of those? post em up then

Sorry, I’m afraid I’m an ink free zone.

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Notwithstanding that the kind of Ladies who would blush at so generous a display are beneath the notice of the Manly Man, it should be noted that, in the unlikely event that Sir is also thus blessed by nature’s bounteous wonders, I’m sure Sir would do as any right thinking gent worthy of his mustard would do - and dress said appendage Up and Over, rather in the manner of a varicose cravat…