eBay stuff (Part 1)

I’ll ask her to pop by and give him a proper shoeing on her way to the WI.

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Know little about this but isn’t Fletcher the guy behind Nottingham Analogue. New price appears to be around £2500 so not much of a bargain.

What should it be worth and is it any good?

I’d rather spend that kind of money on this

Although I suppose you would have to factor in the cost of a Series IV or V.


Point 5 is a lot better when I heard them.

Have been watching that for a while, would like to have that but it’s collection only from the deepest darkest north.

Have a chat with Bobc who goes to Bristol fairly often I believe.

Ah reread and realised that BobC is in Cumbria :slight_smile:


SCAM, the Trio.

is it wrong to have two turntables?! quite fancy this

what makes you say that?

Oh my god, can I sell you some magic beans? A bargain only £995 each, off to Asda to buy some.

p.s. check picture 2.


Hmmmm, that is odd, didn’t see that. I would suggest collect only!

Found the image here too: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Trio+Kenwood+L-07D&rlz=1C1PRFC_enGB590GB590&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj93a-70ujXAhUImrQKHdSjAlMQ_AUICygC&biw=1280&bih=893#imgrc=NpwWdwgb0dz4LM:

Need some new cable, £100 over my budget but would it be worth it results wise?!
Anybody using it?

Fucks sakes get a grip :joy:


thought you might say that!