Grown men get moist about the Eurovision: 2017's lowpoint thread


Sounds like the theme song to one of those dystopian near future movies where only moody teenagers can save the world.

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Belgium has never been big in charisma. This mood Hoover has sucked the last of it.

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Belgium = strangely alluring and different. Go figure.


Is this what passes for emo in Belgium?


she’s only 17

No, just life

Moody teen then ?

She’ll save the world with her mumbles

H|ere’s a cunt

Swedish Bieber

Here’s your winner.

See, we are walking Ritchie stylee.

The pain is not exquisite

Has the trousers length du jour…


@Wayward would have an epi-scoppy at that abortion of a suit.

buying money for a top 10

I’m more concerned by the top knot !!

Jackets to small and the collars smell of Bisto