Weird Food Combinations that Work...maybe. (We've moved on from Hot Cross Buns)

Karmic law and decency dictates all ‘bunners’ not lavishing artisan honey on their spiced (And well buttered) treats will all face

(A swarm of stingy little Stronzettos.)

Mmmmm - looks exquisite, let me just get undressed and I will take my pleas… er… punishment Like A Man :ok_hand:

by far the best

makes Kerrigold taste like salted diesel


Kerrigold IS salted diesel…and I’m from Antrim


A butter testing thread would not only be quite interesting, but also I suspect, terminal for some AAers.

I like President butter, but I expect the murky world of French foo butter would be a delight for the senses.


At least we’re discussing butter. There are people that use spreads. I know this because I’ve witnessed them being purchased. Lord only knows what foul lubricant purposes they are destined for. The mind boggles.

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French butter fails the sodium chloride proficiency test

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There aren’t enough pics of cups of tea with milk AND bag in this thread. I shall be rectifying this. :+1:


It’s variable depending on where you are in France. Butter with crystals of sel de guerande in is fucking wonderful.


I hope you’ll be banned for posting such obscenities.


Definitely going to have to try making some I think, as the French don’t do anything remotely similar.

… AND butter Butter tea - Wikipedia.


This is this “Mad Max” style dystopia I’ve been reading so much about recently, presumably? A broken society of filthy, pestilent, sore-encrusted low-IQ hunchback mutants with a taste for human blood and some kind of petrochemical “edible” yellow Vaseline in a plastic box? The sort of subhuman thing that believes franchise chain fast-“food” is in some way a meal, yes?

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Please just shoot me if we sink to that, Kerrygold’s bad enough, but the other stuff . . . . .

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Salty AND spreadable. Butter for the working man.


I refuse to be butter bullied.

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Stick with Lurpak, there is no butter there

Boris Johnson, Trump, Butter Coffee - There is always a new low


ah yes, the distinctive flavour of yak butter tea; not easily forgotten

Butter shamer!