
Danny Kirwan.

Oh bugger.

That Fleetwood Mac group were fantastic.

Yeah, absolutely phenomenal. The double album Boston Blies is such a tour de force

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Fucking gutting news…

Epic drummer and decent bloke.

Ah, bollocks

Sad news,
I only have one Collesseum Record, I will dig it out tonight.

Dirty Den has finally died for real.

RIP Leslie Grantham.

He’ll be back for the Christmas special.


He was a murderer though…

I hope not…


He’s stiff now,

Vinnie now joins Dimebag

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Too young

Yes, it all starts to get a little too close to home.

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The Patron Saint of Trolls has shuffled off the mouse-organ…


Who brought great happiness to many children-myself included.

me as well RIP

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I appreciate many Wammers on Audio Abbatoir may have known Vaskan Ohanian who was known as Plato on Wigwam. I became friends with him over many years and had many a hi-fi chat over the phone and had lunch with him last year. Some of you may have known him as the tall beared chap who was a keen photographer - took many pics of the Scalford events. I have learned today from his wife that Vaskan died last month after a battle with cancer. This has come as quite a shock - those that knew him will recall him as being a big hearted friendly HiFi enthusiast. Very sad news.

There was a long thread on here at the time.

Sad indeed.