Pork Faff Therapy/ What are you eating?

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The “food as fuel” purist :+1:

I preferred how you served it before…the turd in a cardigan with square buttons

Another go at home made pizzas: One Anchovy, one Chirozo and one Prosciutto - Today with a base that had an eight hour prove cycle - Slowly getting used to shaping them.


We are well into beef shin at the moment. It’s the best thing I have used for slowly cooked stews. I first had it, I think, when I was in Belgium. There is a traditional dish with shin cooked in ale, although I didn’t know it was shin at the time.

It’s really easy to cook - you don’t need to brown it much, just cook the onions to brown, add meat for a bit, add flour, then other veg (carrots, celery etc), tomato puree, beer/wine and cook on low for hours. Today’s was shallots and red wine, with a glass of the red with the meal. Fantastic!

Edit: I also used it for a chilli recently, which was excellent as well

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Fuck that, I want to be shitting it out in 8 hrs not waiting for the bloody dough to rise!

Lou always uses shin beef in stews. Bloody lovely!

Shin and neck are both great cuts of beef for slow cooking.

I use shin of beef in my chilli along with flank steak, oxtail is nice in chilli as well.

Skirt (diaphragm muscle) is also great for stews, if you can get it.

Home made pizza - mozzarella/cheddar, onion, birds eye chilli, (feckin hot!!) crispy smoked bacon and pepperoni


Had home made pizza myself earlier, was going to award a cockpunch to myself for eating it too quickly and vaporising the roof of my mouth.

salami and other charcuterie from http://www.chiltern-charcuterie.co.uk/ bloody delicious, along with some pickles cheese and bread.

Their Bresaola and Chorizo are lovely.

Had Bresaola, Lonzino (cured pork loin) and, Garlic and Pepper Salami - all were delicious

airport pasta at london city

Cottage pie and sugar snap peas from a local deli (The Hollies)


He has forgotten to consider folk who like a tasty bacon sandwich…