Pork Faff Therapy/ What are you eating?

I tend to save time by putting three at a time into my gob

I’m thinking two works well as well.

Frankly, quite a few options seem just fine.

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Just before xmas I opened a box and inspection the following morning revealed that I seemed to have devoured all but 3

If only I’d realised that one more dip into the box would have completed the rout

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A box has a life expectancy measured in (not many) hours with me present.

They’re great melted and spread on toast.

Heathen maybe but great nonetheless.

I quite like the game where you put one on your forehead & have to try& get it to your mouth without using hands. Can get very messy.

The following night I opened a (16) box of Ferero Rocher. They went in very short time, maybe half an hour. Burp. Pardon.

I didn’t think we discussed bedroom games on here :flushed:


You haven’t happened to notice that you may have had to loosen your belt by a notch or two, perchance ?

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Actually, no.

The opposite in fact. I ate little, although weird stuff, for a few weeks before xmas.

Did you troll yourself by replacing empty wrappers?



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Tonight I had a couple of packets of crisps and a pint, as it turns out the Bull’s quiz night doesn’t include food…

And we came 4th (out of 9)… :frowning:

Poor. Very poor.

I think you only get fed if you win the thing :1st_place_medal:

My Mrs always does that, not just After 8, but with any individually wrapped sweet - the screwed up wrapper always goes back in the bag…:rage::rage::rage::rage:

I just had sausage chips and beans.

Food of the Gods, it is.


Beef Tagine and Cous Cous.

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A blast from my youth…Weber baked Gammon with mash and white sauce.