Seasonal Nosebag to argue about

Fucking hell, that was like time-travel for the brain - the dead cups of coffee and huge piles of fanfold compiles… JCL and machine code… I was shit at it all coming in dead to it in the mid-80s - but compared to what passes for coding now… Gotta wonder.

No self respecting coder… etc etc…


Porridge - pinhead, salt, muscavado sugar, a pat of unsalted butter, and a splash of cream.

Tomatoes in the fridge? Fuck the fuck off.

Quiche - hot, room temperature, or cold. Food of the gods.


Is that like a programmer?

If so, only documentation is entirely beyond the pale. Everything else is a potential “feature”…

Getting back into porridge just as the weather goes full-on heatwave.

We need details of how you’re making it wrong. :smiley:


Half a mug of oats then a mug of half water/milk heated and stirred in a small saucepan. No salt at the moment but I may try it.

If there’s a microwave only method that’s reasonable I’d give it a try because screw washing up.

Oats in a bowl, about the same again in semi-skimmed milk and 2 minutes in the microwave. :roll_eyes:

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Exactly what I do.

Those are the same proportions I use. I do put in a very small pinch of salt & do 2 minutes (covered) in the microwave then stir then another 40 secconds more.

Your microwave may vary. Worth doing the experiment & watching to see exactly how long the second blast needs to be after stirring.

Then topped with marmite & tabasco natch


:smiley: :smiley:

In my unceasing quest to annoy purists (and, to a limited extent, to make really unhealthy food marginally less deadly), I use about one quarter porridge oats in pancake batter, plus a couple of tablespoons of oat bran - blend them into the pre-egg mix so it’s smooth.

Porridge without salt is Rong.

Just add sugar you bunch of weirdos


In a world that has golden syrup, honey, molasses and most-especially, jam - why would you put sugar in porridge?

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I put blueberries on mine, just a few.

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Maple syrup or riot


both good shouts



Where I grew up in Scotland it was Scott’s Porridge Oats with milk and sprinkled with salt.

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