Shiny brand new second hand things in my system today

I’m herring rumours that they want to stop the fish puns. They are going to mullet over and decide soon…


I believe Amber Rudd and Nicola Sturgeon are going to debate it in the House later.
They will be carping on about it for ages.



Reeling in the cunts for their puns…

I’ve haddock with you lot


You’re right, it’s just a load of pollocks…


Any more of that talk and I will conchfishskate your keyboard Jim


:ok_hand: Nice.

Time to turn the tuna on and listen to Radio 3.

Fin-ally, it’s run out of stream.

A baited hook for further attempts to plumb the depths in an attempt to net our seal of approval…

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Shoaly this has gone on long enough.

For goodness hake, make it stop.

I’m off to perchace some hooks if everyone is fishing

You’re all starting to Flounder now, so resorting to spouting Pollocks !

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Come on guys you’re just krilling it now.

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Talk about trawling the depths… you guys need to have some manta man congersations


We’ve already had flounder and pollock - talk about fish repeating on you :frowning:

Any further fish repeats will incur a ban! :rage:

This really is getting ruffe.

Time to put the key in the chub and lock the thread.

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While you lot are having a whale of a time…

There’s something fishy about this post but I fear it’s just the logic.