
The car sometimes comes in handy, but at the start of yesterday’s outing I walked up to The Holies - a park above Streatley. It was bad enough encouraging Mrs VB up the section of the path from roughly SU 5920 8065 to SU 5905 8035 (count the contours - for quite long stretches there are stairs cut into the hillside). It would have been a bit too much to carry a scooter up too.

I can cope with the blistering, which tends to reduce with time, and the occasional lost toenail. I’m mostly grateful that the sesamoid pain is much relieved. The B&B bookings for the end of the month are already made though.

You need to have a word with that nice Mr Brunelleschi Filippo Brunelleschi - Wikipedia Jim :wink:.



@Valvebloke = Oswold Cobblepot?

I hope VB is going to say that the photo is of his outside right foot?
Looks a near impossible photo though - Surely he didn’t ask Mrs VB

Yup. Pic taken by yours truly with my foot on the sofa cushion (I had just come down from the bath).


Trust me on left and right 50% of the time. :slight_smile:

Stage one of the £6.1K three teeth implant today. Face like a mellon and one tooth was a complete bastard to get out. Stiched up and two have the implant in, going for a check-up in two weeks then more healing and then the third gets the implant, then more waiting, then the teeth!!! 12 weeks in all, I have to wear this fucking denture until then for my front teeth so you fuckers at the SW old man campfest might get to see that or the new teeff, you never know.

Anyway, ouch. And I am fucking hungry and can’t eat until tomorrow.

You must drink til the pain goes away

Can’t, I am antibiotics for 5 days.


Then you must drink for 5 days once the antibiotics have done their stuff

Are these teeth round the side or visible at the front?

both, two at the side and one top front

did you look at overseas options or not bother?

As the credible UK dentists all said 12 weeks to make sure it succeeds, how does this work overseas? 4 trips in my case? I know people have it done in one hit, but you are really risking it on many levels.

The people I went to in Altrincham are specialists in implants and do them every day. £2K a tooth is about right for a specialist, my dentist quoted £3K a tooth, good dentist but doesn’t do enough of these type of operations really.

In the end of the day, you are having somebody drilling holes in your bones under sterile conditions, who do you trust?


Laurence Olivier.


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According to the latest letter from one of my consultants, i have:
Linear IGA disease
Atypical naevus syndrome
Macular pigmentation, secondary to pigment incontinence associated with leukocytoclasis

Quite pleased with the third one: it is, as far as he knows, unique, so he’s just given it a name with long random medical terms including incontinence, because reasons.

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Yay! Pads!

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