Smart shoes aka Dr Cunties Cunty shoe emporium

I tend to wear from Cheaneys, C&J, Foster & sons, Trickers, but mostly from the first three.
Keep meaning to get some fom Loeb, but haven’t got round to it yet.
All on Jermyn St, so easy to see what’s on offer.

There is only one.



^^ You can wear it with jean, slack, chino, short, even avec suit (see Nigel Kennedy or Greengrass).

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Forget Yewtree, I’d go straight to this customer list to catch every sex pest, past or present.


Feckin hell! :flushed: A grand for a pair of shoes. You’re avin a bobble hat n scarf mate…

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Scouse rhyming slang :slightly_smiling_face:

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Mock Oirish fail…:roll_eyes:


E’s avin a Turkish.

Are you saying they’ll need to be run in ? You’ve been talking to those cable salesmen again haven’t you :grin: ?


Walking will probably suffice :grinning:

E’s havin’ a tin

Are a £1K pair of shoes any worse than a £5K rack to put equipment on, when a £50 one will do the ‘same job’ etc…


For that price I’d hope to get them made to lasts taken from my feet rather than someone else’s*

*although that may be unrealistic.

In which case.


If the lasts need to made for you and you want a top qualty pair of shoes made to measure by John Lobb expect to pay nearer £5k for the first pair.
(Including fittings)

How much is the second pair?

No idea. I got that info from a magazine article.

I wonder what these are like

Vass Shoes. Budapest.

In the olden days this thread would have been renamed Dr Cunties Cunty shoe emporium.

I miss the old days.


By the way, I am working on a “Couldn’t get a Lobb on” joke right now. If no one beats me to it, you’ll have to suffer mine.

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