Sunday 5th August - Derbyshire Toblerone Fest - Cancelled due to unforeseen date cock up

My I put myself forward for bench warming duties please

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Do you have heavy speaker stands Rob?

Yeah I have a couple of pairs, different heights, 600mm and around 400-500mm, black atacama things.

Wow, did you grow them?

Due to an unforeseen cock up with dates, this bake off is cancelled until further notice guys and gals, sorry :frowning:

I had as the 4th, but no worries :joy:

Well at least you wouldn’t be late :grin:

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Bump just in case anyone missed this and turns up on my door step :slight_smile:

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Reminded me of this.

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Well I didn’t see that coming!

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I’m tempted to hold a plan b that day.
Big new bbq and all…


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It’s The Wife. Need to check in. Forecast is good.

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Put me down Steve if it’s Thunderbirds are go

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I’ll post a thread If it’s given Royal Ascent.
Will do.


We await her Majesty"s commands

She’s been told

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Does that mean I can get my name on the list :hugs: