Talk at me about SUTs

Happy to loan (post) you my HM3s if you want to try them for a couple of weeks, though as Guy says, may not be a good match anyway. But the offer is there.

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If you really want to piddle around i have a pair of bare Cinemags, will happily post 'em off to you and you can wire them up as you want, see what you think of them.

Have a pair of Hashi 3sin a box you know of ::), wired switchable between 1:20 and 1:40 with an earth lift. You are welcome to a loan for a month or so if you would like to try them.

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For my money a pair of Slagle in whatever ratio is appropriate and in copper are good value (silver is 'spensive, however).

@Mrs_Maureen_OPinion - fwiw, Dave’s don’t need secondary loading, but loading across the primary to fine tune the impedance the cartridge sees is appropriate. That’s normally how I wire his stuff up when I use it.

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A quick and heartfelt “Thank-you!” to everyone who’s offered various loaners. Very kind :+1:

Thanks Pete. I spent some time reading relevant posts on his forum… After I’d taken my brain out and given it a good scratch, it seems that he prefers to avoid loading 1ry and/or 2ry if possible - with the silver cube you have the usual cartridge loading values at the inputs, plus 1 bay into which you can slot anything you like. Given the Cadenza sounds best with ~47K (and fairly crap with anything significantly less) without the SUT, but adding the SUT into the mix curtailed some of the performance at that loading - I’ve popped the next lowest value resistor I have into that bay - 30K, which seems to provide a clear improvement in all areas - frequency extremes are back, resonant decay is back, voice articulation is clearer, but I still have the gains - better PRAT and dimensionality.

FWIW overall gain is very close to the Silver Cube in full LOMC mode.

Now it’s more of a case of seeing if a higher quality set of windings has anything to offer…


Maybe this?

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Soooo… I’ve lived with the Puresound T10 for a couple of weeks, and then, thanks to the kindness of @gthang I’ve had some time with his beautifully built Hashimoto-based SUT - which was a tangible step up (as it should be at the price), most obviously in terms of vocal intelligibility.

But this also prompted a return to the Lehmann Silver Cube alone - restored to its LOMC / 47K setting…

…aaaand the result of that was a much more blindingly obvious improvement in all areas :open_mouth:

As perhaps there should be - removing an extra length of cable, several connectors, many metres of magnet wire etc. and reverting back to a £3,000 phono stage painstakingly designed to offer LOTS of gain, silently really should work that way…

Adding-in the SUTs definitely did something in terms of reshaping the system’s overall sonic signature - and not just subtractively - and, as we humans tend to, I enjoyed the change for a while. But it was getting one particular LP (Mop Mop’s Isle of Magic), and its obvious and large replay inferiority to @Jim’s system prompted me to wonder if I’d taken a step in the wrong direction.

Seems I had.

Downside is: no new toys; upside is: that’s just as bloody well, cos there’s no cash in the bank now!

Thanks to everyone for your input :+1:

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Which cables were you using with it?

Donkey-cock Viablue stuff :+1:

It’s not BHB, but you could still moor the QE2 with it… :crazy_face:

So, is the new unit to quantify a cable’s quality the Donkey-cock?

Do you sell viablue?

Insert obligatory sodders “selling” joke

Because if a joke is worth doing it’s worth doing to death.


Oh yes - size is everything :+1:


Good lad - proper Slaughterman :ok_hand:

Obvious troll is obvious :wink:

Cables are EVERYTHING - any fule kno that! :bitchslap:

@Jim uses a SUT iirc =》 the right answer is actually to spend mahoosively more on a SUT and then commission a BTJ9002.

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Do they come with tasting notes? :heart_eyes:

My entire system cost me less than Jim’s new phono stage, and I would not expect it to sound as good - nothing else I’ve heard does - but the gulf was bigger than I could get my head around.
I offered up my recent experience 'cos I found it interesting that changing a component could simultaneously give an enjoyable change to performance while also somewhat degrading performance - an example where enjoyment and quasi-objective expectation didn’t necessarily coincide.
I’ve often watched people make “upgrades” that I knew were “sidegrades”, but not always been so clear when I’ve done it myself. It can take a while to get your head around what difference a kit change has really made, and I speak as someone prone to snap decisions… :thinking:

Now there’s an idea…

Review: Donkey Cock CablesTM - these cables taste like…”

Heh, its always easier to fool yourself when you’re making changes - you hear a difference and for a while that can get confused with actual improvement. We’ve all been there - you change things back and then the improvement either disappears or wasn’t what you thought it was.

Apart from Jim’s system, that’s the exception where every change he’s made is an absolute and unequivocal real improvement :grinning:

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