The shit that doesn't merit its own thread (the resurrection)

Fuck… Was Chuck Berry on the design team?


What is it you actually do for a living? Just out of general interest. IE, nosey bastard.

I’m a software developer.

Lots of different platforms and environments over the years, but for the last 14 (really? wow) it’s all been server-side Java for banks. In the City.

I’m now making giant leap to Canary Wharf to do exactly the same thing. Assuming that it all works out.

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@thebiglebowski knows where all the upskirt action is :thumbsup:

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My (5 year old) daughter just locked herself in the bathroom for half an hour. Bit perplexing as to why. Turns out she was washing the cat.


At least she didn’t go down the washing machine route!

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That really made me laugh! :joy:

Who came off the worst ?


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She had a few scratches, but the cat was fucking livid.



Until the bathroom door was opened it was simultaneously wet, dry and furious.


Laurens Migrane (see cockpunch thread) has subsided a bit and she’s a bit hungry. I asked her what she wanted and she said “I’d really love a bowl of Grandma’s chicken noodle soup, but I know we don’t have any, so just anything please Dad.”

What she doesn’t know is that Grandma’s soup consists of a couple of shredded spring onions, a knorr chicken stock Cube, boiling water, a couple of balls of vermicelli pasta and a good shake of Maggi sauce. Takes about 5 mins.I learned how to make it when I was about 10. I’m about to be the best dad in the world… :smiley:


Could you not hear it? hahahha

As a kid I was always fascinated by how much the cat shrunk when she was dropped in the garden pond.


Brave kid. She’ll go far. Anyone gives her shit and she can just say “I washed a cat”

“And the wonderful, wonderful soup stone”


I can’t believe I actually got that reference. It’s Claires fault she likes Dr Hook.

Yes, written by the great Shel Syvestein You need to skip the advert! Fuck, that doesn’t seem to work… I haven’t got the hang of this posting stuff.


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