The Star Wars spoiler thread

Finally got to see it. Meh.


So, another Star Wars movie and it seems only a moment ago that I sat through the last pile of shit. My son will insist we go. Fuck.

I have been sentenced to this and Jizzrassic Park 2 in the next couple of weeks.


Well Rogue One was pretty fucking brilliant and my favourite Star Wars film after Empire Strikes Back, so maybe they’ll do a similarly decent job outside the main story arc?


Got to go and see regardless of the last load of rubbish they put out.
Rogue one was pretty decent hopefully this spin off will be ok too.

Holy fuck, I just spent the entire fucking film trying to work out who the actress was. To save you this grief, let me tell you that she’s the dragon mummy from GoT. It’s not much of a spoiler, but there you go.

On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the movie?

It scores 6.4 on IMDb, and that seems fair to me. It’s quite fun, especially if you like Star Wars, though it’s far from a masterpiece!

Doable, I preferred the ice cream I was eating though

So, space horses.

Could be worse. Have you seen Ad Astra?


The other immense bit was when Rey and Ben kept reviving each other. I thought it might go on ad infinitum with a Chuckle Brothers “To you” commentary.


Some of the spoilers that rocked my world.

Turns out the force is actually glue, Yoda was a clown shoe fetishist and Han Solo was seriously into stand mounts. The ‘Emperor,’ it transpires, is responsible for all intergalactic almond flakes and mushrooms that he uses to contort the minds of simple folk.
R2D2 weighs 58 tons and was made near Luton with very high grade caps. On his home planet all of Chewey’s girlfriends have growlers - He’s randy as fuck. Light sabers emit the scent of mince pies rendering all comers incapacitated. As it happens the rebel alliance only buy their furniture from the Pompey Center. The latest film briefly touched on the fact the original core generaters of the death star were fueled by counter rotating de nattas.


Oh god, yes, that was interminable.

Go see Ad Astra. You’ll love it, it has space monkeys.

Went to see Star Wars with Mrs B. First time she had seen one. I thought it was okayish. Some bits were crappy. Mrs B started to get in to it a bit after an hour. She doesn’t want to watch any of the other. Will have to go and see Little Women now.

For the seriously afflicted - Here’s a few spoilers on what you don’t have.
