Things you no longer see

Built-up shoes.
The Liberal Party.

I did see some white dog shit the other day tho’… :+1:


Hair Metal - Come back, America needs you !

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Nuns habits
Lebanese blonde


Concorde :disappointed_relieved:

Tasteful supercars (think Lambo Muira)

'70’s growlers




Is that a packet of 10?

No 6

You misunderstand. Are there 10 fags in the box or 20?


We used to be able to buy single Woodbines from the local newsagent when I was a kid. Fuck me they were strong. Used to make me dizzy!

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Capston Full Strength for me

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My uncle used to smoke them, occasionally Senior Service. The atmosphere in his house was heady.

Btw, it’s Capstan

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Coffin nails! My aunt, who was a very senior nurse, used to smoke Sweet Afton. She was thrilled to find out I smoked and insisted I have one of hers. It nearly killed me.

My uncle too - 60 a day.

He dropped dead really quite emphatically.

Not a terrific surprise.

Correct, it’s at least 40 years since I bought some

I recall buying some in my teens having read that they were the strongest cigarettes you could buy. I came out of the newsagent, lit one up, had a couple of drags & then had to prop myself up against a lamppost as the world span around me. :grinning:

Woodbines, Weights, Park Drive, Seniors had nothing on those. Ridiculously strong & very expensive too iirc.


No you misunderstand - irony :smile:

Chap by the name of Don who was a regular on the field meetings I used to lead for an amateur geologists’ society was a chain-smoker of Capstan Full Strength. He looked and dressed like he’d fallen out of 1948 (this was ca. 1998), and his 'tache, teeth and fingers had that dense amber tinge fading to yellowy-grey that signified the truly committed smoker that’s rarely seen today.

If you were slow-witted enough to get engaged by him in conversation, he’d regale you at length with tales of his many and various allergies, reactions and ailments caused by the intrinsic toxicity of every aspect of modern life - everything it seemed was poison to Don - and his oddly ageless, waxy, yellowish pallor certainly lent credence to his claims.

Everything that is, except Capstan Full Strength, which he puffed on constantly as he catalogued his sufferings…

They don’t make smokers like that any more.


Blonde Lebanese nuns with habits?

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