Today I have mainly been

Buying too many records that I REALLY can’t afford.

FFS; is there any cure for this madness, other than debtors gaol ?

Bugger that - there’s worse things to spend your money on. Who needs food or bog roll anyway :joy:


Do you visit Dave at Black Circle Records ?


I don’t Bob. Should I ?

I’ll leave you to explain that to the wife and kids then.

Swearing profusely, getting really fucked off, presently lying in bed with a fucked back.

Easy morning, fix a quick leak on an old rad valve then off on the quench as the current Mrs Cloth is off this weekend also. Oh no.

Fixed leak … ptfe tape ( for all diy doughnuts ptfe stands for Put The Fucker Everywhere), lovely old lady says can you look at my hob I dont think it is quite right. …

Yes no problem says I lighting it. Fuuuuuuck.

Imagine Grangemouth refinery. Red Adair would have run a mile from this bastid. Need to disconnect this from supply. Rrmove cooker below. Fuck back. No gas cock. Tightness test. Old floor standing Mexico boiler. Pilot light. Failed tightness test. Back excrutiating. Trace leak to meter. Gas board informed. Gas capped. Need to go back once new meter installed to relight boiler… which it likely will refuse to do.

Lying in bed now in severe pain. Swearing.


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Have you dosed yourself with paracetamol and ibuprofen 2 hrs apart?

If you’re lying on your back can you slowly lift one knee towards your chest?

Its on my left side about kidney level. Sharp pain.

Right leg I can get up to chest level ish and results in a small fart.

Left leg can get about half way before it feels as painful as prog.

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Good news then it’s unlikely to be a disc.

Sounds like a muscular tear, or possibly tendon that inserts to your rear hip. If you can apply some heat from a hot water bottle or deep heat rub that should ease it off and probably get you slightly mobile again, enough to shuffle to the toilet and back :laughing:.

Don’t bend over if you can help it :joy:. Seriously, if you drop something then leave it.

Keep up the paracetamol and ibuprofen for the weekend and if it’s still pain sharp enough to immobilise you then head to your GP first thing Monday morning.

Netflix will be your nurse.

Heat rather than cold?

Cold is used to reduce swelling. Since it sounds muscular then heat will help reduce the natural response to contract and encourage blood flow.


I’m lying in agony on my back. Open this and see the posts above.
Bending over gardening. All of a sudden my mid back feels like it’s ripped apart from side to side.

I’ve done well to get into he house. Done it before. Intercostals. I’ll either be ok when it subsides or done for, for days. When the spasms take it’s like electric shock torture.

Best bit is my wife has left me on the floor and buggered off to see her horses for 5 hours. And we have guests overnight and PSB gig later.


I’d injure myself to avoid seeing PSB too Steve :joy:


It’s more the fact that the grass has a single cut strip down it… A lawn mower in the middle of the lawn.
Lounge door wide open and leaves starting to blow into my head!
I can’t move.
Wife won’t be back until 5.
24 percent battery.

Impending gales and rain

Still can’t get up.

The two cocodamol better work…

Heat it is then. I’m getting a certain amount of sympathy here. Had a hot bean bag delivered with a cup of tea.

My low quality loose undercrackers have ridden up and are now cutting me in half. Her sympathy does not extend to pulling them out the crack a tad.

Going to be a long weekend.

Might see you at PSB ?

I may not make it out my living room at this rate.
Experience if this sort of injury tells me it’s eitjer going to ease off.
Or cripple me

If I go I’ll be there after 8 and I’ll pm you here ?

That’s what I normally do :grin:

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Keep practising touching your toes you.