Today I have mainly been

Yoga is the answer :slightly_smiling_face:

Fixt 'cause a bit fell off your post.



So if you sit down as much as possible, you’ll be taller?

Wow, this could be the answer to all my problems :laughing:

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Driving back up north, fuck it’s cold up here, need to move to Devon.

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Yep, landed back from Barcelona a few hours ago - 23C to 13C

Getting cramp and being stuck under bloody floors.

All ruddy day. Hellish.

The question then is what’s better than unnecessary back surgery :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Necessary back surgery, you’ll have to get up earlier to catch me out.

What’s better than necessary back surgery - avoiding the need for it to become necessary.

Not necessarily…

Has your wife let you out yet?

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Cake. It is better than any surgery. Fish fingers are nice too.

Is that your rehab plan?

No. But I am not into back surgery. If I were cake would be just the start…

(not)Working from home

Waiting for sand and gravel to be delivered. So I put up some shelves.

My life is sooo exciting :disappointed:

At least you’ll have somewhere to store the sand and gravel :wink:

Stupid boy :unamused:

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Sand and gravel arrived. My back is a bit hurty. Bigly hurty akchurley.
