Today I have mainly been

AMG seats are shite and uncomfortable.

I think all Merc seats are crap unless you want to get into S Class armchair territory.

The seats I had in my AMG werenā€™t much cop either.

Flying to New York and itā€™s brass monkeys here :snowflake:ļø

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Gardening mostly - back is killing me


Me to.

2 x greenhouses cleaned and ready for tomatoes and chillies, all but 1 raised beds ready, parsnips and leeks up and planted, caulies, cabbage, sprouts ready to be planted this week.

All sorts of other stuff sprouting.


Nothing as satisfying here - just unceasing weeding, cutting-back, edging, tidying, that sort of stuff.

TBH, even paying someone for 6 hours hard graft a week, we have more garden than I can cope with - especially now the late spring has growth going nuts!

Continuing my programme of research into hotels in and around Malvern.

Tonight I shall be staying in somewhere that is nominally more posh than the local 'spoons, but which, due to the vagaries of internet aggregators, is currently considerably cheaper.

Expect breathless reportage / splenetic ranting later.

Waiting - There is a small snag with our contract exchange which was due yesterday. We waited all day yesterday until 5PM after when hearing nothing we phoned the solicitor. Apparently someones solicitor someway down the line has to complete something before formal exchange. It should happen today we are told but we yet to hear anything. Arghhhhh

Update -After phoning to check - It wonā€™t happen today double arghhh.
There are seven in the chain so some opportunities for snags still

One Stop Shopping Centre, Perry Barr, Birmingham.

I have reached the centre of the universeā€¦:anguished:

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last house i bought they told me at last minute i had to wait another month for completion after i had signed contracts . just because some clerk messed up. i am sure yours will be fine and sounds amazing to have that cottage in devon . i just love devon and get down there quite a bit

ah the joys of the views from that flyover , and don`t forget you are near one of the very last greyhound stadiums in britain, its partner closed here nearly a year ago and my son who worked there was unemployed for 6 months as a result

Started here

Went here


And ended up here


Canā€™t beat a good bed urinal.


Couldnā€™t you afford an en-suite? :thinking:


There is a shower room behind the red curtain next to the hand cuff store

When we checked in they asked Louise if she wanted assā€™s milk for the bath. I couldnā€™t understand the Geordie accent and thought they were offering arse milk!


Didnā€™t they ask you too ?

Thatā€™s rather sexist !

Iā€™d Sue :smiley:

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Iā€™ve been chasing a female red tailed bumblebee around the house. It hid in the toilet, up the rim. I managed to squirt it out of hiding.

With the bathroom window being open, it flew out into the sunshine. Result!


Iā€™m amused by the notion that the Geordies are investing in bed urinal tourism to mitigate the economic havoc that Brexit will wreak on the NE.

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Well today Iā€™ve managed to upset more or less everyone be they friend or foe. All in the name and of trying to put the clients desperate finances on a better footing.

And now Iā€™m late getting home and have upset the real boss by spoiling her plans to go out this evening. I feel some grovelling coming on.

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Thereā€™s a guy in Malvern who runs a nice b@b plus heā€™s an audiophile.