What I'm watching (Part 1)

Tonight’s episode of Inside no.9 was 30 minutes of fantastic :tv:
Well worth 1/2 an hour glaring at the i player if you missed it.

Yeah I’ve really enjoyed Sense8 too. Quite stunning visually & some really engaging acting with some lovely little humorous touches to the storytelling. I hope the Wachowski sisters tackle more projects like this in the future.

Will check out the others you mentioned once I’ve finished Outlander.

I watched about 1/2 an hour of it yesterday and had to give up…

One for @MGOwner :slight_smile:

Looking forward to this.


I have it here saved on the sky box

Think it was released in the UK just after his death

You’re not confusing it with this, are you?

No,i have both saved,it has stuff about his theatre show and his last couple of albums up to his death. My guess is that it is just getting released in the states



I must have missed that

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Was on BBC2 weeks after his death,pretty sad watch,but well worth seeing.

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Prince: Last year of a legend. Definitely worth a watch.


What’s that being shown on?

CH4 catchup. Was on a at the start of the month so hopefully still available

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great advert , loved it . my mum in a similar place and its pretty good

The Deuce

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Looks interesting Matt :+1:

Handmade: By Royal Appointment. Lobbs shoemakers. BBC 4

Fascinating to watch artisans work at the highest level. Gives you an idea why your first pair of Lobbs will cost £4k…

having to watch hoarders as my good lady loves it !! you have never seen a plie of human excrement like it …it protruded about a foot above the toilet lid and the lady kept pooing on it… oh my goodness its gross . !!

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Watched this last night on the telly, it’s one I hadn’t seen before.