What I'm watching (Part 1)

Vey good;

A fucking brilliant film, finally a comic book film with some seriously good acting and script.

Even if you don’t like X-men it is well worth a watch


Looking forward to seeing that.

I didn’t like Logan much. In some ways it was good, but I never found it at all enjoyable. It was misery, with a lot of gore

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No it isn’t, it was rubbish!

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The man-baby flouncing off because his wobot was beaten by the kids wobot was hilarious.

I don’t know which is more entertaining, the people who take part or the robots.


National Lampoons Animal House on Blu-Ray.

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I 'd keep repping that if I could, but one will have to do :grinning::+1:

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Highlights of Straya vs Inya 3rd test day 3. This series is really, really excellent.

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Started watching this last night on netflix but fell asleep, not sure if that was down to me being knackered but the first episode (or actors) wasn’t particularly engaging.

A gruesome watch but an excellent film.

It’s a slow paced jobbie, like Luke Cage (which I think is better). I’m on Ep 4 so far. If you want action look elsewhere I think.

Up to ep 6 now and it’s OK apart from that wooden prick playing the lead.

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Jessica Jones was my favorite. Looks like JJ, Luke cage, iron dick etc come together for the ‘Defenders series’ which apparently has completed shooting. - I googled it, fuck my life.

I liked Daredevil best then JJ. Isn’t there going to be The Punisher as well? Looking forward to that one.

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Mafiosa. French thing on C4. I like it so far.

Fright night on BBC 4, was Inside Porton Down and now Inside Sellafield.

I’m waiting for their programme on ‘Inside Keira Knightley’

It’ll happen, one day :pray:


Possibly not on BBC though…

I have visited both of those. Bit sort of scary.