Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

You’re right but I couldn’t help myself I’m afraid.

Just pullin’ your leg.
Around here they think I’m a bit strange (who’d think that, I ask you ?) because I don’t instantly kill injured animals. I’d rather help them as much as I can.
But they are mostly country folk who look at it as Nature’s way.

Do you mean it’s the country folk that are injured? :wink:




I might slip it back into the hedge this evening. It seems lively enough if I go near it in the chicken run. But I don’t think it could fly. I put some mashed up mealworms & a little bit of bird food in there but it’s not shown much interest so far.

So over the course of the day this fledgling has perked up & is hopping around making lots of noise within the chicken run. Mother blackbird has appeared on the fence in the back garden & is talking to it. So we’ve let the little one run out into the garden, It can’t fly much perhaps because of injury perhaps because it’s just too young. Mother has delivered one morsel of something & has gone to find more. Will try to take a pic. The fledgling’s eyes seem ok now. One was covered in blood earlier.
Pleased & impressed by the mother’s devotion & in finding this chick around the back of our house. Must have good hearing.


Alas, so do cats

“Great” Western Railways can have a really heartfelt one. What a bunch of incompetent, entitled, passive aggressive tossers.

Yet again we’ve switched to 3 different opinions on ticket validity, between the boards, the web site, and the train manager. Of course the guys on the gates enforce the strictest interpretation, leaving an awful lot of very surprised and very angry people.

The train is dead (normally full and standing) given that half the people planning on traveling were left running back to the ticket office to argue their case.


We don’t get any cats. I think the hen frightens them off. Mother blackbird has an ongoing feeding programme going now & I think is actually flying round to the front garden & taking meal worms from the bird table there. But the little one can’t get out of our back garden so I need to decide what to do with it tonight. I don’t know where at the front the nest is or whether that’d be where it would go back to now even if it could. It would also probably take the mother a while to figure out where the chick had gone.

If you have no cat issues then I’d leave it where it is. Mother BB must have been looking for it for a while and has now found it. If you put the chick anywhere then put it in the same area but under a bush. Mother will find it hear it there. Forget the nest - that’s over for now.

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Leave it where it is. If the mother knows where it is she will look after it.

Btw, how did it change from a young thrush to getting looked after by a blackbird? :grin:

them mutant birds, huh. Must be living somewhere near Springfield

Oh, blackbird, right … I’m tasting pie (can you find another 23 ?).


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Aren’t thrushes & blackbirds of the same (ish) family? In this case the chick has a dark gold black speckled chest. The mother is brown with no speckles as far as I can see. They’ve disappeared under some bushes for the night so should be ok. I gather that blackbirds do a lot of ground foraging but I do hope the nipper is able to learn to fly. At the moment it’s the short hops of a few feet but never more than a few inches off the ground.

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Yes, blackbirds ARE thrushes. Sounds like it is definitely a young blackbird, they have speckled breasts and an adult female will be all brown. They will get nearly all of their food from ground foraging. Newly fledged birds leave the nest before they can fly properly, so nothing unusual there.

Sounds like you’ve saved one from the wrath of the magpies! All magpies are cunts, particularly those without feathers!


Hopefully all will be well



Blackbirds :+1:


That youngster looks very young indeed, not surprised it can’t fly yet, wing feathers not fully developed.

Why have magpie numbers increased so much? When I was young they were quite a rare sight, now you can’t move for the bastards!