Am I Just Old or Are Management Types Getting Stupider?

The other one is ‘pacific’ in stead of ‘specific’ :man_facepalming:

Perfectly acceptable in some cultures. Chicken sashimi is popular in Japan.

Harmful bacteria live on the surface of chicken, so providing care is taken with the preparation and the outside is seared, it should be harmless.

Thing is, in most cultures, as you say, it just isn’t acceptable, but this isn’t based in logic.

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Pretty sure it goes against the food hygiene standards of all the countries we cook in.

Yep, had raw gizzards too.

My particular favourite though is the horse sashimi :man_cook:

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Throw people into junior exec grades to get rid of them. Happens in every large organisation, private, public, military, NGOs etc…

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This is pretty much all that needs saying on the subject, sadly.

It chimes with every experience I had in my working life. I never, ever wanted more than to do my job to the best of my ability (which is limited), and to avoid 100% of the bullshit, the lies, the politics, the jargon, the empty gestures, the olde-tyme-formation-ballroom-backstabbing, the tokenism and the unrelenting self-promoition of the egos-on-sticks.

Of course, there is no more certain path to obscurity, mediocrity, frustration and rage than that.

@MGOwner / Terry - I have the utmost Respect for your patience, strength and perseverance in the face of all the bullshit. You possess qualities that makes you 10X the man I will ever be…


The flipside to this level of exposure is that - when your heart’s in it - you’re uncommonly good at what you do, and no-one else gets to take the credit for it.

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Beginning to become more than a bit trite, tbf

Not possible

I don’t do any job any more: the facts simply speak for themselves.

The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence.

- Charles Bukowski


I’m sure that was

I thought that was Bertrand Russel?


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I’m 100% confident it was Bertrand Russell

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Onward from this today;
The Area Manager has had a change of mind. My Action Plan has been rescinded.
It turns out that there has been a deputation of Staff singing my praises over the last couple of days. Whereas, not a good word was said about my colleague. None of this was expected. When I heard this, I had a little sob.

My colleague’s signed statement is now being used against him. His lies are coming home to roost. The lie in question ? That I had lost control and put everybody in danger. Where he falls down is, if I had lost control, why didn’t he step in and take over ?

I was told “officially” today that I will be required to give testimony at his Disciplinary Investigation. I will enjoy this !


It’s like a psychotic fucking playground, where you work.

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Heavily institutionalised flawed cunts trying to cover their incompetence. So yeah !


Excellent news Terry

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That’s a bit more fucking like it!

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Great news. Your staff obviously (rightly) hold you in high esteem.
Stick it to the jumped-up shit. Hope the cunt gets what he deserves. Can’t stand fuckers who try to push the blame on others for their own incompetency

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Clamly, with bass in your voice… “Ladies and gentlemen of the board, I would like to take this time to present to you Exhibit A”. (Now pointing at jumped up ejit)