Any old Pics - replicating google images, one post at a time (Part 2)

Hill St. The clock is still there. The buildings are superficially similar although some details have changed.

Cigarette break ~ 𝘒𝘢𝘪𝘸𝘢𝘯 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘯


Clock has moved.

Having coffee with an old pal in Costas. Then collecting my coffee beans at:

This is paved court area just of the green.

Jun 2021

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Ah, yes, ‘progress’…



I suppose the Luftwaffe probably did their bit for ‘urban regeneration’, but nothing like as much damage as so-called ‘town-planners’…

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From chops and steaks to burgers.

Who’d have guessed they had gas stations on the planet Neptune ?

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Captain Condom-Head here prolly knows . . .


And that they would be open 24/7, odd, since a day on Neptune is 16 hours, suspicious I’d say…I’d have to question this photos provenance.

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I think they’re still on old money on Neptune and that’s the price of unleaded (£1.23 for you young folks).

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Shamelessly nicked from twitter

Ron Francis (Australian b.1954), Skateboard, 2009, Oil on canvas.


Bet the residents are pining for the days of horse shit and piss all over the roads

I’d imagine that captain condom head is grateful for that, i’d imagine his Astra in the photo is pretty thirsty, though his disguise of a simple, though stylish hat is less that convincing.

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How early was that?

Compared to Wetherspoons and kebab barf from invaders from Hounslow or Kingston, yes.

The Cricketers on Richmond Green. Drank there many a time. Ronnie Woods and Jimmy Wilde drank there as well. Ronnie lived across the Green and it was rumoured that he and Jimmy were going to buy it. They were very very drunk every time. God bless.


Used to drink there too.
Ironically watched cricket in the Orange Tree.

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