Do you think she’s come out to tell them it’d make a great top for a coffee table*, so could they just saw through it again 2" further up the trunk ?
*Not with the end-grain showing it wouldn’t.
They were made of tough stuff back then.
Logman invited his wife up to the cut to show her what she would be taking down the mountain to market in the morning.
…Really not sure how they moved that other than cutting it on site.
Good job they had a saw long enough
Should make a nice armboard.
I had thought @BobC 's tonearm plans were ambitious but looking at the photo I can see where he’s heading with it.
I see where you are going, one log like that on a saw edge bearing could just about get an SPU resonance to the right frequency.
Is that a young Alan Davies on the right?
Ian dury
Thinking of a Rum and Ribena with Kate
Is that Veruschka the 60’s model?
I think it was Dave taken by Doreen Spooner which I forgot to credit.
The confusingly-named ‘Bee Fly’ - like a very small, evil, plushie.