Any old Pics - replicating google images, one post at a time (Part 2)

Wow! Ex London Transport DM or DMS types! Daimler Fleelines with Metro Cammell or Park Royal bodywork- back in their spiritual home!

Wonderful picture and a lovely story ! Wow. :+1: :+1: :+1: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Aha! Interesting; the VW Building is being converted to flats incidentally.

I didn’t know tramsheds were on that site before!

Next time I’m down there, ill try an grab a picture of the VW Building as it is now…:+1: :+1: :+1: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Not my pic, but one I found taken in the early 80s which is when I’d have been there. I’m pretty sure those were the buses.

Most certainly be Daimler Fleelines- although a vast number will have been bodied im Washwood Heath by MCW…

Still a great picture! I’ll dig out a picture of the only Daimler I’ve driven (off road):sunglasses:

Flats! Literally living in the middle of the road. :grinning:
At one time that building was the offices for Laker Airways.

This gives me a BIG hit of nostalgia - I recall buses very like this, right down to the concertina doors run by (I think…) Hants & Dorset when I was very young, in very similar green livery, and my fondest memories of my very-late maternal grandparents before my grandad succumbed to dementia - summer days heading out to Ringwood or Salisbury markets, him buying chooks or geese to raise, her getting cheese from a favourite stall, pickled onions from another, and me enjoying being away from my parents constant warfare. Those buses had a smell to them - they were always clean, and smelled of old leather, machine oil and diesel. Reckon it was 55 years ago…


I remember these emerging out of the smog.


Me and the Mrs hanging out of one…

Me with the tour guide…

We spent 7 nights aboard from Calais to Monaco (and return) for the GP. Upstairs was sleeping for 16. Downstairs was converted into a galley.


Sounds fucking awesome TBH!

Bunch of young(ish), like minded, drunken, rev-heads ?

What could possibly go Rong™ ?


The 189 was my school bus :grinning:

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First year at The Crucible in 1977.
45 years ago.
Credit: Mike Watterson’s son Mark - Posted up by Alan McManus.

Lunch anyone?

Credit unknown.



Greyhound station in LA 1969, complete with coin op TVs


Ha,just seen a pic of my class from 1972 that I haven’t seen before
Ronnie barkers daughter is in there but not sure which one she is,think she is bottom left

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is that you back row far left?


I remember you saying how ‘contact lenses were a revolution’ for you. I hadn’t quite imagined how much.

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Nice job whoever did the colourising of the image. Impressed that you could get such a result from one of those glass plates.

(you look the spitting image of Alfie btw) :grinning:


Alfie couldn’t even pick me out.
The lad in front of me in the white shirt,his dad wrote lulus Eurovision hit the profound lyrics of boom bang a bang