Any old Pics - replicating google images, one post at a time (Part 1)

Outside the Glasgow Apollo

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Lol, The Bay City Rollers.

My girls went to see The Vamps in Manchester last week, and the fashions were somewhat more revealing, but the devotion to the band was probably similar, the city centre was full of groups of teenage girls in Vamps t shirts, singing their songs and chanting.

The girl on the left is the spitting image of my big sisters’ best pal - as you say maybe a different era but same passions :+1:

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The hole in the road in Sheffield


Inside the hole


Building the hole

More building of the hole

As it is now



There was something similar in Brum till the 80’s (without the hole!) Under the Small Brook Queensway there was a circular atrium with subway access points in about 4 places. There were shops set into the perimeter. Can’t seem to find a photo though.


No, but that is similar to the hole. I think that was at the end of Corporation St and is now covered.

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It was a hairy place to walk through in the 70’s especially after dark. I can recall one sub-level shopping area where there was Reddingtons Rare records & a take-away called Hasty Tasty. I used to go through it on a Saturday before getting a bus or train out to St Andrews or Villa Park.

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As a child I lived north of Brum, and my school was just to the south, so I would get the bus from school, change in the centre to another home. When I was 18 I would drive to school, dropping off my mother at work. I knew it so well. Now I simply can’t find my way round, it’s totally changed. Amazing difference.

Which school? One of the KE?

Yeah the one in Edgbaston

I presume you’ve read this?


I’d never heard of it! Any good?

Ipswich’s hole had a nightclub in it.


During construction.


Strangely, having to leave a nightclub late at night via a dingy and piss stinking subway wasn’t incredibly popular.