CDs with added apostrophes always sound better
I am the network. This is carpet slippersnet. One day the Squeezebox will die and change will occur.
We have social media to sort that out now. The recent riots for example.
Not that sensitive, CD however is a filthy word. File next to: VD
I like that machines have been developed to eradicate them
Other than making record labels money, I can think of very few benefits to artist / art or consumer for the hateful little turds.
Show me an man who says “easier to store” and I’ll show you a man who appreciates art / beauty and pleasure by stuffing it in tiny little plastic pockets in some abysmal zip up folders.
Tempting to egg on a debate about sound quality / ritual / artifact & blah blah but we’ve been there - CD’s are straight up uncool -They were shit when they came out & haven’t aged well.
You mean actual CDs in an actual CD player?
Y’fuckin freak, you.
SB probably gets more software support than the majority of new products being sold on the market today. It’s a thriving community.
You’ve got my attention there. I have the same setup… Wiim, and a NAS. But I usually play using the Synology DS Audio app on my phone, which directs the Wiim to stream to my DAC… If my girlfriend is playing music, we just stream direct from the Wiim app, as she uses Spotify and it is embedded on the app. (my streaming service is Apple Music, which Wiim doesn’t have embedded) I just looked and I can’t see how to specify the NAS as a direct source. How are you doing that?
The way I do it with DS Audio is clunky, and definitely sub-optimal. It often takes a while to get it to all link up. But when we stream direct from the Wiim using Spotify, it’s always smooth, so if I can use the Wiim app to control the NAS direct, I’d love to be doing that!
Wiim has under My Library a button called ‘Home Music Share’
Should see the NAS on the network.
I have Media Server (Synology) running on the NAS
Nice thanks, I’ll have a look
Edit: got it! Wow thanks that’s so simple… can’t believe I could’ve been doing it like that all along.