Beautiful Things

Still don’t understand how it works out tho.

Thank you.

From the Stratford butterfly farm yesterday.


Been a few years since we went there , must go again

Another musical marble machine from Wintergatan


A post was merged into an existing topic: Good things (that restore your faith in humanity)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Good things (that restore your faith in humanity)

Staircase from the home of woodworker Walter Esherick - Paoli, Pennsylvania.


That may be described as many things… but beauty ain’t one of them.

Creepy as fuck.


I think it’s fantastic. :grin:


He also lived in the woods, imagine that in the dead of night with the shadows on the wall.

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I like that Walter put some peril into his creation with lumber puncturing angles and rebellion with zero hand rail. A life afirming organic sprain machine that doubles as a staircase, what is not to like here?

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It’s the wrong colour (should be black or silver) but other than that, it’s perfect

I’ve seen one in the silver with red upholstery - amazing looking beastie.

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Amazing how she’s still in such good shape. Beautiful boat…


The stateroom is connected to all areas of the yacht via Bedside and Deck telephones on PBX. As well as communication systems, you have a work desk with wireless and wired internet and a display monitor linked to the chart plotter. Real time weather information is provided by B&G instruments. For quiet time and entertainment, you have a 27’’ iMac which is linked to the network entertainment system and controlled through an iPad and a state of the art Linn stereo system. :thinking:

A digital only active system over wifi would probably work well in a sailing yacht like that.

Vox Olympians for your super yacht :grinning: