Beautiful Things

Auction estimates are just that, estimates, and often wildly wrong, They deilberately put up low estimates to drag people in.
I have often been interested in something then the bidding starts and you forget your self imposed limit and you easliy forget to add 30% to the bid price.
I have done it myself a few times (not in the same league as the lots mentioned here) and ended up paying 40-50% more than I really wanted to


Yeah, sure, get that, but, 600% ?

That’s like, today’s Van Gogh masterpiece, estimate £20M, sold £120M.


Many estimates are called "come get me"s. It’s to draw people in. The more competition, the higher the sale price.

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Are you sure that you posted that piece of tat in the right thread?


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Want it.

Does look like it’s falling forward though

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Think I would be falling over at 100-120 million years old Dom

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Provenance: Liaoning Province, China sold to Brian Lloyd of Gregory, Bottley and Lloyd, 2001

Call me a skeptic but before I bid £10-15k I’d want to know a bit more.


It’s a cat. Amirite?


FoL sent me pics of these sculptures seen somewhere between Bristol and Bath this am.

Really like the grim reaper + dog.


That provenance, if documented, is very good indeed - GB&L were once the #1 dealer in all things geological and palaeontological, but I very much doubt the specimen was legally obtained and exported. There is a lot about it that makes me suspicious - it’s certainly a partial composite - some cervical vertebrae look more like caudal v from at least one other individual, and I suspect similar is true of some ribs and some distal limb components. There are likely to be some plastic bits in there too, including repairs and patches to various larger bones. And what’s there has not been very carefully prepped, so some features are missing. Very much not a specimen to buy blind. Flipside of all this, is that these issues will be universal for specimens like this: few are ever found complete in the field, but they are a very common species, so collector-grade stuff is usually composite with cast additions to make them look complete and therefore appealing to a well-heeled market.


Like the winged horse, the patination makes it


More reasonable and many ways more apt for this place -


Not the first time Stronzi has been immortalized.


hell of an earworm

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Looks a tad like Toyah from the cockpunching thread, they’re not related are they ?