Bitcoin / other crapto trading

Not at all.
I was after informed opinion. Not just warnings and re stating the obvious.

Thought there may be someone who has a more evidenced perspective through proper contacts in the financial sector.

What I didn’t say is that a friend has just started doing some work for chainlink and expects significant short term gains. There would be no reason for him to shill me, but he isn’t completely impartial.

I know a bloke who got in to Bitcoin. He is dead rich or summat. You should definitely buy some or farm some or summat.

If you have money you don’t care about losing then go for it. You might get more money. It is a fairly volatile risky investment. If that is your sort of thing you should just go for it.
Then you should let us all know how amazing it is.


Don’t buy, mine.

Crypto is ripe for a strong challenger. Pi can be mined on your phone. Costs nothing to do, long shot, but free. Better odds than a lotto ticket.

Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 10 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (Jampal32) as your invitation code.

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Bitcoin and other currency trading isn’t like investing in company shares, where companies actually generate value or provide a service.

It’s like Gold and has no intrinsic value, so everything is driven by hype and sentiment and you are gambling on the value rising. That is the reality regardless of what people may tell you. Any profit is because the gamble paid off.

There isn’t much other advice anyone can give.

Usually when joe public starts to invest in these things, it’s a sure sign to get out.

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You could reasonably make a similar argument for all currency.

I did, lol. Albeit currencies are more predictable because they’re usually tied to an economy.


It’s too late to mine Bitcoin, and it’s very expensive to invest in now. However, Bitcoin will only go up in value over the next 20 years.

Currencies linked to tangible assets are a dead idea. Scarcity and demand are all that’s required, and Bitcoin has achieved that.

There’s no future in real currency. Everything will be virtual in 20 years. It’s almost there now.

Mining challenger currencies strikes me as the best chance of making money from crypto.

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Buy old hifi and records would be my advice

Should add, no one ever asks me for monetary advice


“Investment grade” hifi is the way to go, I hear.


Just to add, a couple of friends have some and one had 50 bitcoins until MTGOX got hacked. Now he doesn’t.

Certainly it’s something you can stick some money into, and it may pay off, it’s just riskier, so limit it to amounts you really can lose.


As I said above, go and talk to an IFA about different investment options. I’d be astonished if they suggested Bitcoin, but ask them and see what they say.

If you don’t like what they say, then do as you intend but at least someone will have given you balanced advice rather than reinforcing a decision you’ve already made.

And as anyone in investment will tell you, risk follows potential reward. You might get lucky and make a fortune, or you might get stung.

It is entirely unregulated so it is just like the Wild West gold rush, not for me but your attitude to risk might be completely different.

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One feature of financial bubbles is over-proliferation. Ships have sailed &c.

Short ver: don’t.

There isn’t a long version. Just don’t.

You’re welcome.

If you had a decent mining rig for Bitcoin 10 years ago, you would be quite wealthy now.

Mining for anything now…? lol.

There is no over-proliferation. We are still at the bleeding edge of crypto. No investment is required to mine challenger cryptos, it’s a zero-risk, zero effort, very slim opportunity.

Like doing the lottery, but for free.

But if you had gone to them two or three years ago and said you were thinking of investing £20k in Bitcoin they would also have probably said don’t touch it.

Imagine how fucked off you would be now if you had bowed to the so called ‘expert’ instead of going with you gut instinct. :thinking:

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I wouldn’t be. I don’t gamble with my money and I don’t worry about specualtive what ifs.

The flipside, and the far more serious one, is what if you’d spunked your £20k on the basis of encouragement from amateurs, and then lost the lot because you didn’t really know what you were doing.

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Yes, imagine how fucked off you’d have been in 2018 if you’d bought in 2017 :roll_eyes:


Don’t lose your password:-

Or your laptop:-

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Only if you bottled it and bailed out. :wink:

Timing is everything as they say.


As is hindsight :roll_eyes: