Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

“not so much a statesman as an Oxfam donation bag torn open by a fox”



You’ve got to laugh. Despite my condemnation of JC’s position, this is a fucking incredible headline.

I haven’t (and won’t) read the content, but FFS, I inadvertently came across it and it genuinely made me laugh.

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They’ve gone for a gilet jaune-look banner, as well as the “story.” :grinning:

I would like to see every single Labour MP polling and researching their constituents current views on Brexit. Perhaps this information would prod / instruct them off the fence. I do understand the ’ give them enough rope’ policy they have employed but now with the clock ticking ‘everything is on the table’ nonsense is unacceptable - How can people get behind that, what is JC’s vision? What would JC offer? I agree the 9 years of conservative rule compounded by the bailing out the banks has been a social disaster. Yes I agree homelessness is unacceptable, taxation of businesses and the top 1% are vital but the largest issue, the one they will not clearly define, is Brexit. It will effect us all and the best they can come up with is mere puffery.

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The Labour Party support Brexit, have said it on numerous occasions. They want a customs union approach, no secret there. I can’t see Corbyn ever coming out and saying Labour are for Remain and it follows that I can’t see him supporting a further referendum.

Sadly, both main parties support Brexit.

Labour were always going to, and will continue to, oppose anything that May comes up with - that’s why they don’t want to be involved in trying to sort it out - the ‘no deal off the table before we can talk’ stipulation was purely done to ensure they could stay out of it.

Ultimately they will have to revert to the conferences policy of offering a second referendum but they can claim this isn’t a betrayal of their northern leave voters by the party leaders as it was decided by the membership.

Why they just can’t come out and admit this now instead of desperately trying not to give a definitive position is what is so fucking annoying.

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The parallel goes deeper. The HoC 52% was made up of hard Brexiters, soft Brexiters, Remainers, and DUPpers. It’s a coalition made up of very different opinions that converged when offered a simplistic choice.

The referendum 52% was made up of farmers, fishermen, racists, old people, finance professionals and imbeciles. It, also, is a coalition made up of very different opinions that converged when offered a simplistic choice.


When Article 50 was voted through, No Deal was put on the table. It stays there unless Art. 50 is revoked.

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It’s worse than that. I have a mate with a PhD, a genuine regard for other people, a real ability to listen and a wonderful sense of humour. He voted Leave because he just can’t bear the undemocratic nature of the EU - the fact that none of the holders of high office nor any of the actual decision makers is genuinely elected, and therefore removable by the voters.

The real imbecile was the person who thought there was ever going to be ‘an answer’ to the second question (the first being the one in the referendum). When the EU asks Britain to say what it wants they have failed to understand that there isn’t any ‘thing’ that ‘Britain’ wants. And in this case there never will be.


Chancellor has been saying that A50 may indeed be rescinded

Rescinded or prolonged?





Proscinded sounds like it should be a word.

Blair did acknowledge that the same socio economic factors that influenced the vote here were raising themselves all across Europe. Regardless of the Brexit outcome, I wonder what, if anything, the EU will try to do about them.

If that involved putting Sindy in charge of Brexit then I’d vote for it. She’d be better than May or Corbyn.


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So no different to our system. :roll_eyes:

To be fair, I’ve found many PhD’s while clearly academically bright aren’t all that smart.