Brighton Listening Cafe

The Grim Reaper hovering at all our no longer due to hairloss dandruffed shoulders?

Can you imagine how depressing life would be (for us old duffers) if the young were given the wherewithal to enjoy their youth while we watched, wracked with envy? Better they have to earn their pleasure the hard way. They’ll appreciate & enjoy it more.

But more seriously FoL#2 has got into record collecting on a small scale & scours charity shops & car boots & is delighted with what he finds. He’ll buy spare copies of Bridge over troubled water, Joni or other interesting blues/folk LPs & passes any duplicates out amongst his friends. And they do the same for him. They’re all 30ish and have modest systems but all use record players; Regas, Projekts, Systemdeks. None are obsessing over the gear though. I’m all for the music enthusiasm & deliberately not pushing notions of good sound. I wouldn’t want that to become the hobby, I’d rather they nurtured a love of interesting music.


I wish I could Like that post twice :+1:


When our 16 yo contemplated about Gen X,Z and wondered what Gen I would be, I answered: ‘Jura’.

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It’s OK to be Mesozoic :ok_hand:

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There’s only one answer to that question… Nexus Six.

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