Budget 2024

Basically I hate judgemental cunts.

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I thought the whole point of vaping was to get people off nicotine addiction by reduction?

Iā€™m down from 40 Marlborough a day to a 2-3mg nicotine vape habit. From a 50% chance of dying from lung cancer (as far as medical research goes) in another 6 years Iā€™ll have the same risk as a non smoker.


Have you tried nicotine pouches (the little things you put next to your gums, usually referred to as ā€œsnusā€)?
Iā€™m using them ATM to wean myself off vaping which I started to do again following my recent stay in hospital/rehab where I was down as an occasional smoker/vaper and they gave me nicotine patches foc as an alternative, as smoking/vaping in a hospital bed is obviously frowned upon, The last thing I wanted to consider whilst stuck in rehab was putting myself through nicotine withdrawal whilst in pain and confined to a hospital bed off my kipper on opiates. Hence coming out of rehab with a nicotine habit much worse than I went in with! :man_facepalming:
I assume (although I donā€™t actually know) that they simply deliver nicotine in a readily absorbable fashion, and are safer as the donā€™t contain or deliver all the nasty shite that comes with vaping.
I also assume that they are waaaaay less damaging to the environment than any type of vaping, never mind using disposables. They are also considerably cheaper, with a tub of 20 being around a fiver, and last way longer than a five quid disposable.
Worth a try? :thinking:

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Crikey, thatā€™s going some.

I was always a 15 B&H guy.

My uncle smoked 60 Senior Service a day, which unsurprisingly did for him in short order.

I stopped smoking using nicotine patches, one of the things that it broke was the oral habit of smoking which I can see would not be done with vaping.
Congrats on getting off 40 a day though.
When it comes to stopping smoking the journey is irrelevant, the destination is the only important bit, how you get there is whatever works for you.


I smoke about 6/7 Marlboro Touch per day although I did switch to IQOS for a few years when they first came out but went back to smoking. Could not get on with vaping as it just isnā€™t the same as taking a drag on a ciggy :frowning:

I enjoy it and donā€™t really have any intention of giving up.

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I think what I struggle with, is vapers (taken as a group, I know there will be individuals who do better), are a pretty ignorant lot.

Theyā€™re happy to walk along a street throwing out huge fumes of sweet toxic shit that I have no choice but to walk right into.

Even worse are the ones that think itā€™s ok to do it indoors.

Thereā€™s no evidence that passive vaping is harmful, annoying maybe but not toxic.

Mate of mine started vaping to give up smoking, he wasnā€™t even a big smoker just a sneaky one every now and then and down the pub. He now has a disposable vape permanently attached to his face and when he popped round the house started vaping indoors without even thinking about it. When I said donā€™t do that he apologised and said that he vapes indoors at home all the time.

I suspect that vapes are even more addictive than cigarettes. At least with a cigarette you light it and it burns for 3 mins but with a vape the fucking thing is perpetually available.

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I have a work colleague who is similar. Always one in his gob when on Teams meetings, pretty much no matter who or how many are in the meeting.

I bloody loved smoking but as with most things in my life I did it to excess. I was spending around Ā£600 a month on cigs at the time my mortgage was Ā£450. Fcking ludicrous, I tried loads of times to quit but vaping was the only thing that worked. That was around 9 years ago. I had a blip around 2018 and went back to around 20 a day for about 10 months. Iā€™ve not touched a smoke in five or six years now and no longer have any inclination to do so.

Iā€™ve seen people on nights out where it never leaves their hand

Zero nicotine emerges in the cloud? That feels unlikely given the lungs donā€™t even absorb oxygen perfectly.

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Where did I say they contained zero nicotine :roll_eyes:

Is the tiny dosage of nicotine in those clouds on the street harmful or toxic?

You get nicotine in a lot of plants and vegetables not just tobacco plants. Nicotine at smoking or vaping levels isnā€™t really harmful so passive even less so. Itā€™s all the other shit that kills you.

yeah, but as a bystanderā€¦ i dont want ANY. I shouldnā€™t have to choose how much nicotine i allow in my lunch as a PPM measurement in public.

you wanna do that filthy shit, do it in your own home :wink:


The new iqos was my mid point and the straw that broke the fags back . No nicotine vape is now in place but like Matt I like the feeling of smoke on the back of the throat , next. Last step will be knocking that on the head

[quote=ā€œshrink, post:136, topic:15284ā€]

Ever go to a concert or a club? - See that smoke machine itā€™s the same stuff in vapes - do you even party?

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Not trying to get rid of you, but this may not be the optimum choice of forum for you :laughing:

As a method of weaning, short-term, if it works: great, but anyone considering pouches instead of tabs &c, please google ā€œSnus and mouth cancerā€ - and keep a bucket handyā€¦ :scream:


last i checked, they werent putting nicotine in smoke machines!