Caravans and camping

No. Not that. It is quite wrong.

Expecting to be told we need fairy lights any moment.

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We canā€™t be friends anymore.

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Mazda bongo would be quite nice. But Iā€™m not that lured by a camper van.

I loved taking the caravan to the continent. The campsites are superb and very reasonable.

Alas we outgrew our caravan, 15yo child is 6ā€™6ā€ :sob:

I am under pressure here to buy a caravan from management. 3 kids & a dog mean we need a decent amount of space, and the Mrs doesnā€™t want to do without some home comforts, so a big tent & portaloo is out unfortunately. Motorhomes also, as they would cost about 80k for what we want. We nearly went to Cyprus before the plague set in, and this was going to cost about 9k for a decent hotel, so if you take that figure over a year, a caravan/camper would give you far more time away from home than 2 weeks abroad.

I am ready to accept the shame & derision. One silver lining though, it does give me the excuse to buy a diffferent car as I need something heavier & probably more powerful to tow with. Cayenne Turdo do the job? :wink:

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You could get at least 4 weeks in a nice 3 (or maybe 4) bedroom villa for less than Ā£8K each year and avoid having to own a caravan.

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You know I love you and Kate, but your testing me here

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Very true. But part of this is so we can get away more during school holidays ( my wife is a teacher ). This would give us the ability to throw the bikes on the roof, go up to the coast and have weekends, half terms, Easter etc away.

I started looking at this from the angle of buying a big Merc Sprinter and converting it myself, but swmbo thinks it will not be luxurious enough ( I am aware that a caravan is just some plastic glued together), and not big enough. But this would have done the job as a second car, whereas a motorhome would be too ott to drive around in daily. But I got no joy from that ideaā€¦

she is probably right - an inflatable is not really the height of luxury. Anyone fitted one of them things with a water bed?

Would certainly help keep the centre of gravity low!


Have a look at how easy it is to tow a big family caravan.
Donā€™t think I would fancy it myself. Ruddy huge things they are.

Caravans rule mate.
Donā€™t tell me youā€™ve never had a Caravan holiday :grinning:

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Guys, it has to be done the AA way, that means no expense spared and going extra large.

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Get Pete to build you one :+1:


I got dangerously close to buying a caravan a couple of years ago - I already have the tow vehicle, and we have two large, smelly, and very antisocial dogs, so abroad is impossible and renting places pricey and with very limited scope, so it kinda makes sense, albeit itā€™s the holiday equivalent of cutting your cock off and giving-up.

Sam vetoed it because she is terrified of not having internet access 24/7/365, and most especially not being able to play ā€œForge of Empiresā€ for every possible waking moment of every single fucking day for the last 6 years.

I wish I was joking about that.



Sounds great in theory, but with the sheer weight of metal that he would use, I would need the power of a propulsion system which has not yet been invented by man.


Large smelly dogs an asset


Looks like itā€™s a slippery slope

The Coco Rage-Powered Behemoth-EngineTM can only be a matter of months away, surely?

That shit could rearrange the Universe :+1:

Never understood camping, graft for 48 weeks to spend 2 weeks in a fucking field.

We used to take the kids to a static caravan in North Devon which they loved