Cavity wall insulation beads?

Oh dear, sorry to hear that, what a feckin pain.
I’m fairly confident that the installer is not a cowboy etc but after reading the “expert” replies here I’m very hesitant now.

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Is there some trustworthy insurance that could get you out of trouble if it goes pear-shaped ?

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In my experience the words “Trustworthy” and “Insurance” don’t really fit well together.
Thinking aloud, they have been doing this procedure for what 30 odd years now, Hundreds of thousands of property’s have had it done, Surely people wouldn’t still be doing it unless the success rate is like 99%.
The beads should allow air and moisture to move between them, However it seems there is a minimum cavity of 40mm required for them to work properly.
I’d guess many buildings that have a lot less than that were pumped and the problems eventually show up.

Don’t fret my second post will be about the sound of Pixie dust coated RCA cables .

He’s impossible to please, if your first post had been about hifi he’d be pointing out we don’t really do hifi.

And @Penance is an expert on all things beads.


A touch upset no one has suggested @stu s company ‘’ I’m sure he would be happy to take the grant, not do the work and offer you 17% towards your peace of mind and a couple of these:


Decided not to go for it,
Will stick with bumping up the attic insulation and with the aid of a thermal camera seal up any cold draughts around doors and windows.
thanks again gents.