Clocks on cocks (Part 1)

Free postage too :confused:

Well maybe if it was mechanical.

15mm thick :heart_eyes:

The wrist mounted bastard offspring of a suitcase and a teasmade



How much did that set you back Mike?

£5 delivered Rob

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How much is a box of Christmas Crackers?

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Oooff !

Harsh !


That was supposed to be @edd9000’s

Quartz watches rank somewhere with full range speakers.

Off you fuck, there’s a chap.


What does the ruler looking thingy on the left do?

Rule stuff ?

Buy it and discover for yourself.

You come here flaunting your wealth & impeccable taste. How else do you expect people to react?

I thought I was amongst a like community of taste doyens. I was obviously sadly mistaken.

Dodgers… taste dodgers

Ah, that may explain why there is the slightest chance it may remain unsold.

There is at least one member of the forum, a jumped up plumber no less, who owns a Superlative Chronometer. This is also the person who painted his ceiling to look like those in the H blocks in the Bobby Sands era.

These are the kind of people you’re running with mate.

I admire your chutzpah in trying to keep up.


I’m surprised he hasn’t put a bid in tbh. He could keep the Rolex for knocking about with his tradesmen mates & wear the Boamigo as a dress watch for functions.

Given his taste in confectionery & interiors it fits the profile perfectly.