How has it not worked ? Were they charged as a sub-forum ?

The WAMS demise has nothing to do with the Linnies being hosted.

I dunno, if Jon charged £1 for every profanity on here, he could have retired by now :rofl::rofl:


In which the Wigwam turns into a pyramid.

Did. Will try Moar C Word.

Tbf, I don’t want it to fuck up, Danny & Stuart (and the other mods) have put up with soooo much shit over the past few years trying to keep that place going. My only concern is that MVJ seems to be involved. Might be he’s just supportive rather than actually involved, but we’ll see.


We could hire out penance to pose next to peoples hifi systems wearing a gimp suit.

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I think he’s harmless enough, do you not ?

Perhaps these days, but wasn’t he behind the great purge?

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Don’t honestly know mate but things have moved on a fair bit since then Shirley ?

thought it was his son?

Maybe. But there’s plenty here who have entirely justified problems with him.

Let’s just say this place wouldn’t exist without his influence…

So I suppose it’s not all bad then!

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No. His lad was the owner, but not the instigator.

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You obviously know more of the history than I, but every cloud and all that.

It should be made into a Hallmark tv movie where divorced woman buys a forum and gets gaslighted by various dodgy boyfriends along the way.


A lot of time has gone by, not to mention a few unsuitable owners, and I really hope that any forum created in Maverick’s memory succeeds.

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There’s only been one owner since 2015

Fuck, really? how long ago was the pet food lad? How long have I been here? Jesus, it’s like Stockholm Syndrome or something.

think he was her boyfriend or brought in to commercialise it

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In a world that requires some form of organization and a society (actual life) full of rules and expectation, it’s refreshing to have a trap door where you can be unashamedly idiotic and cunty.

The moment external financial forces come into play on forums this changes. Social Media has given a lot of web boards the death rattle anyway. AA is more like going down the pub with your mates. It’s far less ‘virtual’ as a lot of us have met. The idea of being a member of an anorak forum and trying to get Stronzetto to watch his P’s & Q’s gives me the mind thrush.


Ahh, ok, thought KiteKat Pete was the owner after Steve’s lad, but after we had a massive row on PFM I pretty much ignored the place, and then heard someone else had taken it over, but I suppose if it was CatFoodsex*, that makes sense.

*Edit, that was meant to read Cat Food’s ex, but you know, I think I’ll leave that there, just because…