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Had to reterminate some speaker cables today. I wanted to use something like the wbt-0610 type but they are stupid money so I bought a set of these from Amazon for £18

Tertullus 4 Pcs High End Stackable Angled Banana Plug Gold/Rhodium Plated Banana Connector Accommodate Speaker Inner Cable Up To 7mm (Rhodium) : Electronics & Photo

Really impressed with them. Much sturdier than I was expecting and they easily accommodated the 8TC type cable that I’m using.


It is a fair reflection of how things are going generally that another day is actually now. But…

No explosions and music on both channels which is a definite step up on the last 2+ years, and of utmost importance we have a proper LED.

However, I might now build the SUTs (top box) into the stage itself as I have deliberately left space there and swap the output caps (Mundorf standard Supremes for a fairly tasty pair of ClarityCap PURs…)


Well done, but

It appears to be both blue and bright enough to cause lasting retinal damage!


Specifically requested by MrsKettle though, in keeping with other stuff.

TUT! I say!