DIYers / plumbers, what is this?

I have bought another shower, just wondered if it was a common fitting to keep as a spare, thanks Ginge :smile:



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Is that the one you mangled with your ham fisted efforts?

Might be :roll_eyes:

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Well be more careful fitting this one. Imagine that it is an expensive cartridge…


Franke Taps… You utter shits.

Fitting cartridges that are designed to be replaced yet no house in the entire country had a suitable tool for the job.

The two flat sides of the cartridge barrel, when installed, sink into the tap body just enough to render spanners, pliers and grips useless, unless of course your aim is to permanently deform the playdough soft brass cartridge as you curse 6+ years of limescale further hindering extraction.

Where to go from here…

Granddad’s old, engineers clamps… Small one on first, tight as you like, secured with the significantly bigger one.

I honestly thought the tap had snapped when it cracked lose. 3rd finger took the brunt of the force on the window sill, now bruised and bloody.

New replacement fits a deep 14mm socket.
Why would you not fit that type as standard, Franke!?

Still, at least the tap has stopped dripping as has the blood from my knuckle, thankfully.


Faced with such tasks - heart black and rotten with loathing and despair - I often wonder if plumbing wasn’t the first area where manufacturers realised that it was in their interest to design goods that are deliberately unfit for purpose, so that they can continue to sell shitty, inadequate replacements forever…?

We can put men on the moon, engineer colossal structures, reach the deepest oceans, harness the might of the atom, peer trillions of miles into space - but we can’t design a fucking tap that doesn’t leak?


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