Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 2)


These are the concerns.


To be fair, he is right, nobody has probably ever actually asked that before.

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Jesus rollerblading Christ.

Eeets an hambuuulaasnce :grinning:


Thatā€™s fucking beyond mentalā€¦

FOX doesnā€™t let him do the live phone in interviews anymore because of tangents like this. Itā€™s all pre recorded, heavily edited now.


$750m fines tend to focus the mind a little on what is appropriate and what isnā€™t.
For a short while, at least.

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His lemmings will be picking up the bill

Forgot to add; that was Arizona, it was 110F at the rally. 11 people ended up hospitalized :crazy_face:

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The pair of them should be in retirement homes, neither is fit to lead the worldā€™s most powerful nation.


Used to be only Chinese and Russian leaders who were still there in their dotage.


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The time for deciding whether either is a suitable candidate is long past though, one of them is going to be president.
Biden is still pretty with it when you actually hear long portions/entire speeches. Ya, he does old man things, because heā€™s eighty fucking years old. But heā€™s entirely preferable to Trump. Lots I donā€™t agree with him on (mainly Israel/Middle East), but heā€™s still entirely preferable.
The White House Doctor Trumpā€™s going on about is also the same man criticized in an Inspector Generalā€™s report for running a pill mill :pill: out of the White House pharmacy. He was handing out speed like candy, including to himself
And the ā€œcognitive testā€ challenge is just being introduced as an out for Trump actually debating Biden. He got trounced in his first debate in 20, and sucked out on the second. Trump will not debate Biden this time around, citing Bidens campaign (rightly) ignoring this nonsense


I wonder how many suitcases of Adderall Trump left Washington with?

Enough for four years . His sole reason for running is so he can get a topup at the taxpayers expense. :rofl:


Helluva demographicā€¦

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Thatā€™s not fake. There are also Trumpers that attend the rallies wearing adult diapers on the outside of their trousers :+1:

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