The greatest irony is that the loudest “hands off our kids” anti-trans bigots are childless. They’re either incel creeps or goofy religious theocrats still looking for that trad-wife/slave. These guys spend their days obsessing over children’s genitals. That’s weird. These people are fucking weirdos
Only because every other cunt has stopped him using their songs!
You forgot TERFs, sad to say… There’s a dark corner of feminism (sensu lato) which has always really been about foaming-at-the-mouth androphobia - the “ALL-men-are-rapists” brigade - who’ve been with us since the 1960s, but in the 2020s they have a nice vulnerable audience they can actually bully, who actually care what they say…
Trans-hate really is the most extraordinarily and unironically diverse group of people coming together to share a common interest…
Evangelical church types are pretty strong on the whole “trans people groom children” line. And yet at least once a week, some youth pastor gets convicted of sexual abuse of minors over there. As Dan Savage puts it “if clowns committed sexual assault as frequently as church leaders, circuses would be illegal”.
Libs of TikTok moron Chaya Raichik tried attacking Tim Walz for forming a “gay club for grooming boys” during his teaching years.
No, he saw gay students being put though hell by some of their classmates so he helped with the forming of a Gay-Straight Alliance Club. It’s called compassion and empathy you cretin
She really is an absolute shitstain of a human being.
Horrible. On top of the hatefulness it’s the smug confidence, that she thinks she’s “owning the libs” when she’s actually painfully stupid. Dunning-Kruger personified.
Yeah, shitstain is about the right description
That news has cheered me up quite a bit.
30 minutes into the Harris/Trump debate, he’s still a childish, self proclaiming lying cunt. More faces than the town hall clock.
Incoherent rambling, staggering on stage, talking more shit than a sanitation worker.
Even Republicans think Trump had his ass handed to him in this debate.
Harris did a great job of shepherding Trump into areas where he would begin to ramble on about things like immigrants eating neighbours dogs and cats.
Taylor Swift coming out for Harris yesterday was also huge…
Love this Grauniad headline
I’m beginning to think they’re not completely unbiased .
No! Another illusion shattered!